Ansible role that installs and configures WordPress, forked from
Features include:
- Installation of any WordPress version to specified directory
- Configuration of wp-config.php
- Fetch random salts for wp-config.php (
Using git
$ git clone
- Ansible 2.7 or higher
- Curl
wp_version: 4.0
wp_install_dir: '/var/sites/awesome_wordpress_site'
wp_db_name: 'wordpress'
wp_db_user: 'wordpress'
wp_db_password: 'wordpress'
wp_db_host: 'localhost'
wp_db_charset: 'utf8'
wp_db_collate: ''
wp_table_prefix: 'wp_'
wp_debug: false
wp_debug_log: true
wp_debug_display: false
wp_add_siteurl_to_wp_config: False
wp_install_site: False
wp_admin_user: 'admin'
wp_admin_password: ''
wp_admin_email: ''
wp_site_title: 'WordPress'
wp_domain: "wordpress.test"
wp_install_dummy_data: False
wp_fs_method: 'direct'
wp_lang: ''
wp_mysql_enable: true
wp_mysql_db_create: false
wp_mysql_db_create_users: false
wp_mysql_site_restore_saved_db: false
wp_backup_local_path: "{{ playbook_dir }}/_private/backup"
# Local path to database dump file.
# File must be gzipped.
wp_database_backup: "{{ wp_backup_local_path }}/{{ wp_site_name }}.sql.gz"
wp_site_name: "{{ wp_apache_hostname | default('example') }}"
# Set this to 'true' and specify a Git repository if you want to deploy WordPress
# to your server from an existing repository.
wp_deploy: false
wp_deploy_clone_depth: 20
# Should the clone be a single-branch repo?
wp_deploy_clone_single_branch: False
wp_deploy_repo: ""
wp_deploy_version: master
wp_deploy_update: true
wp_deploy_dir: "{{ wp_install_dir }}"
wp_deploy_accept_hostkey: no
wp_core_owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_env.SUDO_USER, true) | default(ansible_env.USER, true) | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
wp_core_group: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_env.SUDO_USER, true) | default(ansible_env.USER, true) | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
workspace: /tmp
- hosts: all
wp_version: 4.0
wp_install_dir: '/var/sites/awesome_wordpress_site'
wp_db_name: 'database_name_here'
wp_db_user: 'username_here'
wp_db_password: 'password_here'
wp_db_host: 'localhost'
- kentr.wordpress
$ git clone
$ cd wordpress.ansible.role
$ vagrant up
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests and examples for any new or changed functionality.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
Copyright (c) 2014 Vadym Petrychenko