A command-line tool for handling hair files.
Supported file formats:
- .bin
- .hair
- .data
- .ply
- .ma
- .abc
$ hairutil --help
convert Convert file type
decompose Decompose into individual curves
filter Extract strands that pass given filter
findpenet Find penetration against head mesh
getcurvature Get discrete curvature & torsion
info Print information
resample Resample strands s.t. every segment is
shorter than twice the target segment
smooth Smooth strands
stats Generate statistics
subsample Subsample strands
transform Transform strand points, either by one
of scale/translate/rotate, or by full
4x4 matrix
Common options:
-i[PATH], --input-file=[PATH] (REQUIRED) Input file
-o[EXT], --output-ext=[EXT] Output file extension
--overwrite Overwrite when output file exists
-d[DIR], --output-dir=[DIR] Output directory; if not specified,
same as the input file
--ply-load-default-nsegs=[N] Default number of segments per strand
for PLY files [0]
--ply-save-ascii Save PLY files in ASCII format
-v[NAME], --verbosity=[NAME] Verbosity level name
-h, --help Show this help message
git clone --recursive https://github.com/kenshi84/hairutil
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
hairutil convert --input-file ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs.bin --output-ext ma
# Output saved to ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs.ma
hairutil decompose --input-file ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs.bin --output-ext ply --confirm
# Output saved to ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs_decomposed_ply/*.ply
$ hairutil filter --help
hairutil filter {OPTIONS}
Extract strands that pass given filter
-k[KEY], --key=[KEY] Filtering key chosen from:
length (Total length)
nsegs (Number of segments)
tasum (Turning angle sum)
maxseglength (Maximum of segment length)
minseglength (Minimum of segment length)
maxptcrr (Maximum of point circumradius
minptcrr (Minimum of point circumradius
maxptta (Maximum of point turning angle)
minptta (Minimum of point turning angle)
--lt=[R] Less-than threshold
--gt=[R] Greater-than threshold
--leq=[R] Less-than or equal-to threshold
--geq=[R] Greater-than or equal-to threshold
hairutil filter -i ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs.bin -o ply --overwrite --key length --geq 174.96289
# Output saved to ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs_filtered_length_geq_174.96289.ply
$ hairutil findpenet --help
hairutil findpenet {OPTIONS}
Find penetration against head mesh
-m[PATH], --mesh-path=[PATH] (REQUIRED) Path to triangle mesh
--decimate-ratio=[RATIO] Ratio for decimating triangle mesh
--threshold-ratio=[RATIO] Threshold ratio [0.3]; detect strand as
penetrating if #in-points is more than
this value times #total-points
--no-export Do not export result to txt
hairutil info --input-file ~/cemyuksel/wCurly.hair
[info] Number of strands: 50000
[info] Number of points: 3441580
[info] ================================================================
[info] Segments array: Yes
[info] Points array: Yes
[info] Thickness array: No
[info] Transparency array: No
[info] Colors array: No
[info] Default thickness: 0.1
[info] Default transparency: 0.4
[info] Default color: (0.28718513, 0.22646429, 0.14465585)
[info] ================================================================
$ hairutil resample --help
hairutil resample {OPTIONS}
Resample strands s.t. every segment is shorter than twice the target segment
--target-segment-length=[R] Target segment length [2.0]
--min-num-segments=[N] Minimum number of segments per hair [20]
$ hairutil stats --help
hairutil stats {OPTIONS}
Generate statistics
--sort-size=[N] Print top-N sorted list of items [10]
--no-export Do not export result to a .xlsx file
--export-raw-strand Include raw strand data in exported file
--export-raw-segment Include raw segment data in exported
--export-raw-point Include raw point data in exported file
--no-print Do not print the stats
$ hairutil subsample --help
hairutil subsample {OPTIONS}
Subsample strands
--target-count=[N] (*)Target number of hair strands
--scale-factor=[R] Factor for scaling down the Poisson disk
radius [0.9]
--indices=[N,...] Comma-separated list of strand indices
to extract, or a path to .txt file
containing such a list
--exclude Exclude the specified strands instead of
including them
hairutil subsample --input-file ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs.bin --output-ext bin --target-count 1000
# Output saved to ~/CT2Hair/output/Bangs_1000.bin
hairutil subsample -i test/data/Bangs_100.bin -o ply --indices 65,32,4,36,0
# Output saved to test/data/Bangs_100_indices_0_4_32_36_65.ply
$ hairutil transform --help
hairutil transform {OPTIONS}
Transform strand points, either by one of scale/translate/rotate, or by full
4x4 matrix
-s[R or R,R,R], --scale=[R or
R,R,R] Scaling factor; either a single number
of comma-separated 3-tuple for
non-uniform scaling
-t[R,R,R], --translate=[R,R,R] Comma-separated 3-vector for translation
--rotate=[R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R,R] Comma-separated row-major 3x3 matrix for
Comma-separated row-major 4x4 matrix for
full transform
hairutil transform -i test/data/Bangs_100.bin -o ply --overwrite --scale 1.2 --translate 12.3,45.6,78.9 --rotate 0.407903582,-0.656201959,0.634833455,0.838385462,0.54454118,0.0241773129,-0.361558199,0
# Output saved to test/data/Bangs_100_tfm_s_1.2_t_12.3_45.6_78.9_R_0.407904_-0.656202_0.634833_0.838385_0.544541_0.0241773_-0.361558_0.522373_0.772271.ply