is a small library for parsing and evaluating Macaroon-style caveats. Some caveats you can express in cavlang
username = alice
object_id = 17
current_time <= 1555187389
operation in [read, write]
import time
from caveats import evaluate
# create a caveat requiring a username to be alice
username_caveat = 'username = alice'
# create a caveat requiring a token is used before a certain time
expiry_caveat = 'time < %d' % (int(time.time()) + 10)
# create a caveat requiring a read or write action
action_caveat = 'action in [read write]'
# a sample context generated as a result of some action
context = {
'time': int(time.time()),
'username': 'alice',
'action': 'read',
# evaluate each caveat in the context. all should be true!
assert(evaluate(context, username_caveat))
assert(evaluate(context, expiry_caveat))
assert(evaluate(context, action_caveat))