[Henry He] Building A Blockchain In .NET Core
Grab the training at https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/blockchain-basics-building-a-blockchain-in-net-core/
- A Blockchain is a chain of blocks.
- It uses cryptography to ensure data integrity.
- You can open and run the sample code in Visual Studio 2017.
- Proof-of-Work requires a significant amount of computing time to generate new blocks.
- By slowing down the new block generating process and average out the block adding time in a Blockchain network, tampering with a blockchain becomes virtually impossible.
- Attackers need a lot of computer power to tamper with a blockchain because they need to update all blocks in the chain after the tampered block and catch up with newly added blocks.
- This is very difficult because new blocks are constantly added into the blockchain by good players.
- Proof-of-Work requires a lot of computing time.
- This brings up a question, why are people willing to connect their computer to a blockchain network and donate their computing time to the mining process?
- I did further refactor and add transaction and reward into the basic blockchain.
- We have a more completed Blockchain right now.
- However, everything we have so far works only on one computer.
- The blockchain is a decentralized, distributed network.
- How to build a network and let computers join the network as a node and talk to each other.
- It will be the next thing I want to cover in my next article.
- The incentive for miners to continue providing their computing time to generate new blocks is awarded. Awards are given after processed transactions and adding a new block.
Thanks goes out to Henry He for the FREE stuff!
- Henry He's C# Corner ...Henry He has been doing software development for more than a decade...