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  • Tokyo

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Yuki Toyoda yuk1ty
Software Engineer πŸ‡―πŸ‡΅

Sansan, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

Akira MATSUDA 0x0c
iOS developer, HCI researcher

Sansan, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

mattn mattn
Long-time Golang user&contributor, Google Dev Expert for Go, and author of many Go tools, Vim plugin author. Windows hacker C#/Java/C/C++, ex-GitHubStars

Osaka, Japan

skanehira skanehira
Vim, Go, Rust, TypeScript. Many CLI/TUI Tools, Vim plugins author.

ζ ͺεΌδΌšη€Ύγƒ†γƒƒγ‚―γƒͺード Japan

Satoshi Tagomori tagomoris
A maintainer of Fluentd, msgpack-ruby and the original author of Norikra, Woothee and many others. Distributed systems / Data processing.

SAKURA Internet Tokyo

OpenFeature open-feature
Standardizing Feature Flagging for Everyone
Jake Wharton JakeWharton

@cashapp / @square Pittsburgh, PA, USA

kenkoooo kenkoooo
Girls und Panzer

@estie-inc Japan

Ilya Grigorik igrigorik
Building merchant+web platform capabilities to supercharge commerce at @Shopify.

Shopify Portland, OR

Christoph Nakazawa cpojer
ceo. game developer. engineering manager. built jest, metro, yarn and mootools.

Nakazawa Tech Tokyo

Ken’ichiro Oyama k1LoW

@pepabo / 101000code / 101000LAB Fukuoka, JAPAN

Takashi Kokubun k0kubun
Optimizing Ruby's JIT compilers.

@Shopify Cupertino, CA

Colin McDonnell colinhacks
I have come here to chew bubblegum and write code. And _InsufficientBubblegumException_

Seattle, WA

Jeremy Evans jeremyevans
Principal Software Engineer at @ubicloud. Ruby Committer. Author of "Polished Ruby Programming". Maintainer of many ruby gems. OpenBSD ruby ports maintainer.

Ubicloud, Inc. Sacramento, California, USA

Cloudflare cloudflare

San Francisco, London, Austin, Lisbon, Singapore

Microsoft microsoft
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft

Redmond, WA

Andrew Kane ankane

San Francisco, CA

Yasuhiro Yamada greymd
:(){ :|:& };:

Dublin, Ireland

TJ Holowaychuk tj

Apex London, UK

Akihiro Suda AkihiroSuda
A maintainer of containerd, Lima, Moby(dockerd), BuildKit, runc, etc.

NTT Tokyo, Japan

Majid Jabrayilov mecid
Swift developer πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»SwiftUI addicted πŸš€Creator of @CardioBotApp for⌚️andπŸ“±Writing weekly posts about Swift development πŸ“–

Dynamic Island

Michael Long hmlongco
I'm a technology consultant and specialist in mobile application development, web development, software engineering, and design.

InRhythm Omaha, NE

Daiki Matsudate d-date
iOS Developer

Tokyo, Japan

Jonny Borges jonataslaw
VP of Engineering from Iris Finance. Developer and Lawyer. Passionate about dart and productivity hacks.

Iris Dublin, Ireland

catnose catnose99
Frontend developer.


Andy Matuschak andymatuschak
Wonder, blunder, salve, solve! Working on tools that expand what people can think and do. Past: led R&D @khanacademy; helped build iOS @apple.

San Francisco, CA

Stephen Celis stephencelis
Working on @pointfreeco:

@pointfreeco California

horita-yuya horita-yuya
Master of Engineering. Department of Nuclear Engineering. CyberAgent, Inc. FRESH LIVE, CATS. M3, Inc. Software Engineer.


Krzysztof ZabΕ‚ocki krzysztofzablocki
Making Swift engineers more efficient through tools and workflows.  My code powers up over 80 000+ apps.

Warsaw, Poland

Noah Tran NghiaTranUIT
🍎 Founder of @ProxymanApp

@ProxymanApp Ocean

Fumiya Sakai fumiyasac
iOS/Android Developer & Ruby & PHP Engineer (Sometimes UI Design) PHP/Ruby/Swift/Objective-C/UI Design/HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Mobile Application Engineer Tokyo(Otsuka)

Remi Rousselet rrousselGit
Flutter enthusiast. You'll find me on stackoverflow. Or as a speaker in Flutter meetups
Thomas Ricouard Dimillian
[Entrepreneur, iOS/Mac & Web dev] Work @Medium / @Glose Past: @google, Co-Founded @MySeeen (Share movies !) @RobinBrowser (The smart Browser).

@Medium @Glose France

dan gaearon


Sindre Sorhus sindresorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
tarunon tarunon
Swift slug

Elyza, inc Japan

Tatsuya Tanaka tattn

LY Corporation Tokyo, Japan

Alex Grebenyuk kean

@Automattic Florida

Hiroshi Kimura muukii
Swift & iOS - Crafting innovative apps and open-source libraries with a focus on sleek, sophisticated UI, advanced state management, and powerful image processi

@eure Tokyo, Japan

Kenneth Reitz kennethreitz
I wrote Requests: HTTP for Humans and Pipenv. The only thing I really care about is user experience.

Virginia, USA, Earth, Milky Way.