Lean and simple performance oriented build of the Linux kernel.
Every change aims to maintain - or, possibly, optimize - the power usage-to-performance ratio.
- Kernel compression mode LZ4
- BMQ Process Scheduler
- BFQ I/O Scheduler
- Swap Pages LZ4/z3fold
- Westwood+ TCP Congestion Control + FQ_CODEL Queue Scheduler
- Disabled several hardening and debugging options
- Low swappiness value
- GCC optimization -O3, graysky2's patch
- LLVM/Clang build facility
Compiled and packaged on Debian Buster using GCC 10.2.0
Optionally, before jumping to the actual build, you may wish to edit the build.sh
to set your personal configs under Configurations
To build a DEB package (you could omit --deb as it's the default option), use:
./build.sh --deb --build
for a RPM package, use:
./build.sh --rpm --build
Append --generic
to build a generic kernel.
Complete usage ./build.sh -h
-h, --help
Print these options
-g, --get-kernel
Clone the Linux repository only
-p, --apply-patches
Apply patches only
-c, --set-config
Generate the kernel config with the selected options
-b, --build
Run over all the commands to build the kernel
--deb, --rpm
Package to either DEB or RPM
Optimize for generic x86_64 CPUs
Signing facility
To sign the modules, proceed to update the option in the build.sh file to IODINE_SIGNING="y"
to assign the signing key path.
Since the kernel is compressed using LZ4, be sure to have it installed!
$ sudo apt install lz4
For a faster, less safe, experience you could disable the security mitigations editing the GRUB default (/etc/default/grub), appending mitigations=off
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet mitigations=off"