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Minimal reactive examples (modified from the hsQt project)
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ivanperez-keera committed Nov 6, 2015
1 parent 384ee0a commit 1affa3e
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Showing 2 changed files with 305 additions and 0 deletions.
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions keera-hails-reactive-qt/examples/minimal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-| Program : widgets.hs
Copyright : (c) David Harley 2010
Project : qtHaskell
Version : 1.1.4
Modified : 2010-09-02 17:02:47
Warning : this file is machine generated - do not modify.

module Main where

import Graphics.UI.Qt.Reactive
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.GFunctor
import Data.ReactiveValue
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Core
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Gui
import Qtc.Classes.Base
import Qtc.Classes.Qccs
import Qtc.Classes.Qccs_h
import Qtc.Classes.Core
import Qth.ClassTypes.Core
import Qth.Core.Size
import Qth.Core.Rect
import Qtc.Core.QSize
import Qtc.Classes.Gui
import Qtc.Enums.Base
import Qtc.Enums.Classes.Core
import Qtc.Core.Base
import Qtc.Gui.Base
import Qtc.Core.QCoreApplication
import Qtc.Gui.QApplication
import Qtc.Gui.QDialog
import Qtc.Gui.QMenuBar
import Qtc.Gui.QMenu
import Qtc.Gui.QLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QGroupBox
import Qtc.Gui.QDialogButtonBox
import Qtc.Enums.Gui.QDialogButtonBox
import Qtc.Gui.QVBoxLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QHBoxLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QGridLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QTextEdit
import Qtc.Gui.QLineEdit
import Qtc.Gui.QLabel
import Qtc.Gui.QWidget
import Qtc.Gui.QPushButton
import Qtc.Gui.QPushButton_h
import Qtc.Gui.QAbstractButton
import Qtc.Gui.QMessageBox
import Qtc.Enums.Core.Qt

type MyQDialog = QWidgetSc (CMyQDialog)
data CMyQDialog = CMyQDialog

myQDialog :: IO (MyQDialog)
myQDialog = qSubClass $ qWidget ()

type MyQPushButton = QPushButtonSc CMyQPushButton
data CMyQPushButton = CMyQPushButton

myQPushButton :: String -> IO (MyQPushButton)
myQPushButton t = qSubClass $ qPushButton t

-- type MyQLineEdit = QLineEditSc CMyQLineEdit
-- data CMyQLineEdit = CMyQLineEdit
-- myQLineEdit :: IO MyQLineEdit
-- myQLineEdit = qSubClass $ qLineEdit ()

main :: IO ()
main = do
app <- qApplication ()
dialog <- myQDialog
mb <- qMessageBox dialog
mainLayout <- qVBoxLayout ()
grid <- add_grid
addWidget mainLayout grid
setLayout dialog mainLayout
setWindowTitle dialog "Basic Reactivity"
qshow dialog ()
ok <- qApplicationExec ()

add_grid :: IO (QWidget a)
add_grid = do
gridGroupBox <- qGroupBox "Demo"
gridLayout <- qGridLayout ()

-- Add Text boxes
l1 <- reactiveQLineEdit
-- connectSlot l1 "textChanged(QString)" l1 "onTextChanged(QString)" (\(_ :: QObject a) (_ :: String) -> print "p")
addWidget gridLayout (l1, 0 :: Int, 1::Int)

l2 <- reactiveQLineEdit
addWidget gridLayout (l2, 1 :: Int, 1::Int)

-- Add Button
-- tb <- myQPushButton "Copy Up"
tb <- myQPushButton "Copy Up"
addWidget gridLayout (tb, 1 :: Int, 2::Int)

-- Make button clicks transfer text onto the text entry
e1 <- lineEditText l1
e2 <- lineEditText l2
btn <- buttonClick tb

-- Connection: rule
e1 <:= (btn `governingR` e2 :: ReactiveFieldRead IO String)
e1 =:= (involution reverse <$$> e2)

setColumnStretch gridLayout (2, 20)
setLayout gridGroupBox gridLayout
return $ objectCast gridGroupBox

governingR :: (ReactiveValueRead a b m, ReactiveValueRead c d m)
=> a -> c -> ReactiveFieldRead m d
governingR r c = ReactiveFieldRead getter notifier
where getter = reactiveValueRead c
notifier = reactiveValueOnCanRead r
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions keera-hails-reactive-qt/examples/reactive.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-| Program : widgets.hs
Copyright : (c) David Harley 2010
Project : qtHaskell
Version : 1.1.4
Modified : 2010-09-02 17:02:47
Warning : this file is machine generated - do not modify.

module Main where

import Graphics.UI.Qt.Reactive
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.ReactiveValue
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Core
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Gui
import Qtc.Classes.Base
import Qtc.Classes.Qccs
import Qtc.Classes.Qccs_h
import Qtc.Classes.Core
import Qth.ClassTypes.Core
import Qth.Core.Size
import Qth.Core.Rect
import Qtc.Core.QSize
import Qtc.Classes.Gui
import Qtc.Enums.Base
import Qtc.Enums.Classes.Core
import Qtc.Core.Base
import Qtc.Gui.Base
import Qtc.Core.QCoreApplication
import Qtc.Gui.QApplication
import Qtc.Gui.QDialog
import Qtc.Gui.QMenuBar
import Qtc.Gui.QMenu
import Qtc.Gui.QLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QGroupBox
import Qtc.Gui.QDialogButtonBox
import Qtc.Enums.Gui.QDialogButtonBox
import Qtc.Gui.QVBoxLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QHBoxLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QGridLayout
import Qtc.Gui.QTextEdit
import Qtc.Gui.QLineEdit
import Qtc.Gui.QLabel
import Qtc.Gui.QWidget
import Qtc.Gui.QPushButton
import Qtc.Gui.QPushButton_h
import Qtc.Gui.QAbstractButton
import Qtc.Gui.QMessageBox
import Qtc.Enums.Core.Qt

type MyQDialog = QWidgetSc (CMyQDialog)
data CMyQDialog = CMyQDialog

myQDialog :: IO (MyQDialog)
myQDialog = qSubClass $ qWidget ()

type MyQPushButton = QPushButtonSc (CMyQPushButton)
data CMyQPushButton = CMyQPushButton

myQPushButton :: String -> IO (MyQPushButton)
myQPushButton t = qSubClass $ qPushButton t

main :: IO ()
= do
app <- qApplication ()
dialog <- myQDialog
mb <- qMessageBox dialog
mainLayout <- qVBoxLayout ()
setMenuBar mainLayout =<< add_menuBar dialog
let wfl = [(add_horizontal mb dialog),
(add_buttonBox dialog)]
mapM_ (m1 mainLayout) wfl
setLayout dialog mainLayout
setWindowTitle dialog "Basic Layouts"
qshow dialog ()
ok <- qApplicationExec ()

m1 :: QVBoxLayout () -> (IO (QWidget a)) -> IO ()
m1 mainLayout wf
= do
w <- wf
addWidget mainLayout w

add_menuBar :: MyQDialog -> IO (QMenuBar ())
add_menuBar dlg
= do
menuBar <- qMenuBar ()
fileMenu <- qMenu ("&File", dlg)
exitAction <- addAction fileMenu "E&xit"
addMenu menuBar fileMenu
app <- qCoreApplicationInstance ()
connectSlot exitAction "triggered()" app "quit()" ()
return menuBar

add_horizontal :: QMessageBox () -> MyQDialog -> IO (QWidget a)
add_horizontal mb dlg
= do
horizontalGroupBox <- qGroupBox "Horizontal layout"
horizontalLayout <- qHBoxLayout ()
add_buttons mb dlg horizontalLayout "Button" 4 0
setLayout horizontalGroupBox horizontalLayout
return $ objectCast horizontalGroupBox

add_grid :: IO (QWidget a)
add_grid = do
gridGroupBox <- qGroupBox "Grid layout"
gridLayout <- qGridLayout ()
-- add_lablins gridLayout "Lines" 3 0
(l1, l2) <- add_lablins gridLayout "Lines"
tb <- myQPushButton "hi"
addWidget gridLayout (tb, 1 :: Int, 3::Int)

-- Make button clicks transfer text onto the text entry
e1 <- lineEditText l1
e2 <- lineEditText l2
btn <- buttonClick tb

-- Combine btn and e2
let f :: ReactiveFieldRead IO String
f = liftR2 e2 btn (\t _ -> t)

-- Connection: rule
e1 <:= f

smallEditor <- qTextEdit ()
setPlainText smallEditor "This widget takes up about two thirds of the grid layout."
addWidget gridLayout (smallEditor, 0::Int, 2::Int, 4::Int, 1::Int)

add_bigEditor :: IO (QWidget a)
= do
bigEditor <- qTextEdit ()
setPlainText bigEditor "This widget takes up all the remaining space in the top-level layout."
return $ objectCast bigEditor

add_buttonBox :: MyQDialog -> IO (QWidget a)
add_buttonBox dlg
= do
buttonBox <- qDialogButtonBox ((fOk + fCancel)::QDialogButtonBoxStandardButtons)
connectSlot buttonBox "accepted()" dlg "close()" ()
connectSlot buttonBox "rejected()" dlg "close()" ()
return $ objectCast buttonBox

add_buttons :: QMessageBox () -> MyQDialog -> QHBoxLayout () -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
add_buttons _ _ _ _ nb cn | cn >= nb = return ()
add_buttons mb dlg qlt bs nb cn
= do
let cc = cn + 1
tb <- myQPushButton $ bs ++ show cc
connectSlot tb "clicked()" tb "click()" $ on_button_clicked mb dlg
addWidget qlt tb
add_buttons mb dlg qlt bs nb cc

add_lablins :: QGridLayout () -> String -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
add_lablins _ _ nl cn | cn >= nl = return ()
add_lablins qlt ls nl cn
= do
let cc = cn + 1
nlb <- qLabel $ ls ++ show cc
nln <- qLineEdit ()
addWidget qlt (nlb, cc, 0::Int)
addWidget qlt (nln, cc, 1::Int)
add_lablins qlt ls nl cc

on_button_clicked :: QMessageBox () -> MyQDialog -> MyQPushButton -> IO ()
on_button_clicked mb dlg this
= do
tt <- text this ()
setText mb $ "You have clicked " ++ show tt
qshow mb ()

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