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daramir committed Nov 6, 2021
1 parent 7944b9f commit 40f0b56
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 31 deletions.
130 changes: 99 additions & 31 deletions staker-rewards/rewards-claimer-hardhat/
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@@ -1,42 +1,110 @@
# Advanced Sample Hardhat Project
# KEEP ECDSA Staking Rewards Claimer: Hardhat CLI Project

This project demonstrates an advanced Hardhat use case, integrating other tools commonly used alongside Hardhat in the ecosystem.
This project helps stakers with claiming their KEEP rewards for their work in a single transaction. Normally, a staker needs to claim once per merkle root (i.e. reward period), making it a taxing process in terms of time and in most cases Ether due to tx price volatility.

The project comes with a sample contract, a test for that contract, a sample script that deploys that contract, and an example of a task implementation, which simply lists the available accounts. It also comes with a variety of other tools, preconfigured to work with the project code.
This tool consists of this README, a copy of ECDSARewardsDistributor's ABI, a `.env` example to be filled out, and the core logic in `hardhat.config.js`. It does not require to deploy any contracts, as it works on top of Keep's Distributor and UniswapV3's implementation of `multicall`.

Try running some of the following tasks:
## Pre-requisites

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat coverage
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
node scripts/deploy.js
npx eslint '**/*.js'
npx eslint '**/*.js' --fix
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check
npx prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'
npx solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix

# Etherscan verification

To try out Etherscan verification, you first need to deploy a contract to an Ethereum network that's supported by Etherscan, such as Ropsten.

In this project, copy the .env.example file to a file named .env, and then edit it to fill in the details. Enter your Etherscan API key, your Ropsten node URL (eg from Alchemy), and the private key of the account which will send the deployment transaction. With a valid .env file in place, first deploy your contract:
You need to have the following installed:
- git
- node (tested on v14+)
- yarn (preferably, as it is used through this guide. You can still do everything with just npm + npx)

## "Installing" this tool

1. Clone this repo:
git clone
2. Checkout the branch with the tool:
git checkout feat/ecdsa-rewards-claimer-hardhat-cli
3. When in repo root directory, navigate to the sub-directory with the tool:
cd ./staker-rewards/rewards-claimer-hardhat
4. Get all the dependencies with yarn:
hardhat run --network ropsten scripts/deploy.js
yarn install
5. This project uses a fork of `@makerdao/multicall`. You can find the fork version being used as a dependency in [package.json#L10](./package.json#L10). Since that dependency will be cloned, and doesn't come with the `dist` folder, you need to build it as well.
cd /node_modules/@daramir/multicall
yarn install
yarn build
6. Installation is done. Go back to this tool's subdirectory (rewards-claimer-hardhat)

## Usage
accounts Prints the list of accounts
balance Prints an account's balance
fork Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of a Hardhat Network. Will fork network
provided as a param.
multi-claim Calls target contract multiple times
preview-claim Check the token quantity that would be claimed by the script
To get help for a specific task run: yarn <task> --help

Then, copy the deployment address and paste it in to replace `DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS` in this command:
### Step by step

1. Copy the file `.env.example` and name the copy `.env`. Fill in the variables with your real values.

RPC_PROVIDER_URL: Mandatory. Needed to query blockchain state and submit transactions. Has been tested with Infura.

PRIVATE_KEY_W0: Mandatory. An EOA is needed to sign transactions. This can (and is probably recommended to) be a burner/low-balance wallet. As per ECDSA merkle-distributor rewards, ANYONE can claim and rewards will ALWAYS go to the beneficiary account. Hence why it is safe to use just any wallet that you're comfortable with extracting it's private key. `.env` is already git-ignored/untracked.

You'll need a balance of around 0.03-0.1 ETH.

2. Preview the expected amount of KEEP to be claimed by running
npx hardhat verify --network ropsten DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Hello, Hardhat!"
yarn preview-claim --op <ecdsa-operator-address>

Output example:
$ hardhat preview-ecdsa-rewards --op 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Amount of KEEP to claim: 77777.77777770777
Fee data from RPC provider:
maxFeePerGas: xxx
maxPriorityFeePerGas: y.y
gasPrice: z
Done in 11.98s.
3. Send a tx that will process all available* KEEP rewards that have been accrued by the operator in argument. `--priorityfee` and `--maxgasfee` are optional. Run `yarn multi-claim --help` for more info.

yarn multi-claim --ww 0 --op <ecdsa-operator-address> --priorityfee 1.777 --maxgasfee 99

Output example:
$ hardhat claim-ecdsa-rewards --ww 0 --op 0x860ef3f83b6adfef757f98345c3b8ddcfca9d152 --priorityfee 1.70001 --maxgasfee 99
Normalized from address: <address-sending-claim-tx>
Gas estimate for tx is: 722307
Fee data from provider: {
maxFeePerGas: BigNumber { _hex: '0x25be93214a', _isBigNumber: true },
maxPriorityFeePerGas: BigNumber { _hex: '0x9502f900', _isBigNumber: true },
gasPrice: BigNumber { _hex: '0x12d062de25', _isBigNumber: true }
Max tx cost estimate: 0.117093984695646942 Ξ
Waiting for tx to be mined ...
## Extra functionalities
### Simulate
You can fork mainnet and simulate the claim transaction by:
1. Changing [hardhat.config.js#L312](./hardhat.config.js#L312) from `mainnet` to `localhost`.
2. Running `yarn fork <RPC_PROVIDER_URL>`
3. Going through "Step by step"
## Additional Notes
**available* KEEP rewards**: This program goes by the rewards information available on the local copy of [output-merkle-objects.json](../distributor/output-merkle-objects.json). Feel free to swap it for a newer one, if this branch falls out of date. The latest version should be in the main repo, [](
If `yarn multi-claim` fails to estimate gas, it can be because there are many rewards on the merkle json, that haven't been reflected/provisioned on-chain. In this scenario you can either wait or chop more from [hardhat.config.js#L277](./hardhat.config.js#L277)

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