is an entrypoint into a larger system and should be used as such.
The code is very simple - it reaches out to the eztv services and gets the latest rss feed, normalizes each entry into a Shows
struct, which it then converts into to JSON.
Afterward, it then prints the shows to standard out.
The code is intentionally written as a microservice, eventually it may use gRPC for communication between services, but today it uses standard linux piped.
Not capturing the pubdate. As a result you have to ensure you don't process the same doucment multiple times.
This implementation is LOSSY - meaning we only get the data that we anticipate needing and shed the rest.
Parsing of the show metadata is done elsewhere. That means that when a new release comes out you're going to have multiple versions of it.
Doing anything with this data is an exercise left to anything downstream from here