Use Realm with React Hooks
- Provides a React Context for child components to read from and write to the database.
- Provides a React Hooks to query the database. Re-renders the component when data changes
Please note: This package uses Realm JS, and it, therefore, has the same limitation that it needs access to the device file system and therefore cannot run a "regular" web-browser. This package is meant to be used in an environment like Node.js, React Native or Electron where the JavaScript thread has access to the file system.
Using NPM
npm install --save react-use-realm
Using Yarn
yarn add react-use-realm
Note: This package depends on Realm JS version 3.0 or above and React at version 16.8 or above, but to allow maximum flexibility these are not direct dependencies but rather peer dependencies that need to be installed for this package to function correctly.
First, wrap your root component with RealmProvider. If you have an instance of Realm, you can pass it to the RealmProvider in the initialRealm prop.
import { RealmProvider } from "react-use-realm";
import { realm } from "./my-realm";
const App = () => {
<RealmProivider initialRealm={realm}>
// ...Existing component tree
If you don't have a Realm instance at the time of the creation of RealmProvider (e.g. Realm is created after user signs up), then you need to set the realm instance from a child component.
import React from "react";
import { RealmContext } from "react-use-realm";
import { SchemaList } from "./my-realm-schema";
const MySignupForm = () => {
const { setRealm } = React.useContext(RealmContext);
const signup = async () => {
// Call the sign up api
// Create and set realm
const realm = new Realm({ schema: SchemaList });
// Other code (eg. Navigate to another screen)
return (
// ...Form inputs
<MyButton onPress={signup}>Sign up</MyButton>
You can query the realm database using useRealmQuery react hook.
import React from "react";
import { useRealmQuery } from "react-use-realm";
import { TodoSchema } from "./my-realm-schema";
import MyTodoItem from "./MyTodoItem";
const MyTodoList = () => {
const todos = useRealmQuery({
return (
? => <MyTodoItem key={} todo={todo} />)
: "No todos present"}
const todos = useRealmQuery({
filter: 'done != true'
const todos = useRealmQuery({
filter: 'text CONTAINS $0',
variables: [mySearchString]
const todos = useRealmQuery({
sort: ['createdAt']
const todos = useRealmQuery({
sort: [['createdAt', /* descending */ true]]
const workspaceTodos = useRealmQuery({
source: workspace.todos,
sourceKey: 'WorkspaceTodos',
filter: 'text CONTAINS $0',
variables: [mySearchString]