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boboppie committed Aug 9, 2012
1 parent 819284b commit 5257499
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Showing 103 changed files with 16,958 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions ANOVAonewayBRugs.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
fnroot = "ANOVAonewayBrugs"
library(BRugs) # Kruschke, J. K. (2010). Doing Bayesian data analysis:
# A Tutorial with R and BUGS. Academic Press / Elsevier.

modelstring = "
# BUGS model specification begins here...
model {
for ( i in 1:Ntotal ) {
y[i] ~ dnorm( mu[i] , tau )
mu[i] <- a0 + a[x[i]]
tau <- pow( sigma , -2 )
sigma ~ dunif(0,10) # y values are assumed to be standardized
a0 ~ dnorm(0,0.001) # y values are assumed to be standardized
for ( j in 1:NxLvl ) { a[j] ~ dnorm( 0.0 , atau ) }
atau <- 1 / pow( aSD , 2 )
aSD <- abs( aSDunabs ) + .1
aSDunabs ~ dt( 0 , 0.001 , 2 )
# ... end BUGS model specification
" # close quote for modelstring
# Write model to a file, and send to BUGS:
modelCheck( "model.txt" )


# Specify data source:
dataSource = c( "McDonaldSK1991" , "SolariLS2008" , "Random" )[1]
# Load the data:

if ( dataSource == "McDonaldSK1991" ) {
fnroot = paste( fnroot , dataSource , sep="" )
datarecord = read.table( "McDonaldSK1991data.txt", header=T ,
colClasses=c("factor","numeric") )
y = as.numeric(datarecord$Size)
Ntotal = length(datarecord$Size)
x = as.numeric(datarecord$Group)
xnames = levels(datarecord$Group)
NxLvl = length(unique(datarecord$Group))
contrastList = list( BIGvSMALL = c(-1/3,-1/3,1/2,-1/3,1/2) ,
ORE1vORE2 = c(1,-1,0,0,0) ,
ALAvORE = c(-1/2,-1/2,1,0,0) ,
NPACvORE = c(-1/2,-1/2,1/2,1/2,0) ,
USAvRUS = c(1/3,1/3,1/3,-1,0) ,
FINvPAC = c(-1/4,-1/4,-1/4,-1/4,1) ,
ENGvOTH = c(1/3,1/3,1/3,-1/2,-1/2) ,
FINvRUS = c(0,0,0,-1,1) )

if ( dataSource == "SolariLS2008" ) {
fnroot = paste( fnroot , dataSource , sep="" )
datarecord = read.table("SolariLS2008data.txt", header=T ,
colClasses=c("factor","numeric") )
y = as.numeric(datarecord$Acid)
Ntotal = length(datarecord$Acid)
x = as.numeric(datarecord$Type)
xnames = levels(datarecord$Type)
NxLvl = length(unique(datarecord$Type))
contrastList = list( G3vOTHER = c(-1/8,-1/8,1,-1/8,-1/8,-1/8,-1/8,-1/8,-1/8) )

if ( dataSource == "Random" ) {
fnroot = paste( fnroot , dataSource , sep="" )
ysdtrue = 4.0
a0true = 100
atrue = c( 2 , -2 ) # sum to zero
npercell = 8
datarecord = matrix( 0, ncol=2 , nrow=length(atrue)*npercell )
colnames(datarecord) = c("y","x")
rowidx = 0
for ( xidx in 1:length(atrue) ) {
for ( subjidx in 1:npercell ) {
rowidx = rowidx + 1
datarecord[rowidx,"x"] = xidx
datarecord[rowidx,"y"] = ( a0true + atrue[xidx] + rnorm(1,0,ysdtrue) )
datarecord = data.frame( y=datarecord[,"y"] , x=as.factor(datarecord[,"x"]) )
y = as.numeric(datarecord$y)
Ntotal = length(y)
x = as.numeric(datarecord$x)
xnames = levels(datarecord$x)
NxLvl = length(unique(x))
# Construct list of all pairwise comparisons, to compare with NHST TukeyHSD:
contrastList = NULL
for ( g1idx in 1:(NxLvl-1) ) {
for ( g2idx in (g1idx+1):NxLvl ) {
cmpVec = rep(0,NxLvl)
cmpVec[g1idx] = -1
cmpVec[g2idx] = 1
contrastList = c( contrastList , list( cmpVec ) )

# Specify the data in a form that is compatible with BRugs model, as a list:
ySDorig = sd(y)
yMorig = mean(y)
z = ( y - yMorig ) / ySDorig
datalist = list(
y = z ,
x = x ,
Ntotal = Ntotal ,
NxLvl = NxLvl
# Get the data into BRugs:
modelData( bugsData( datalist ) )


# Autocorrelation within chains is large, so use several chains to reduce
# degree of thinning. But we still have to burn-in all the chains, which takes
# more time with more chains (on serial CPUs).
nchain = 5
modelCompile( numChains = nchain )

if ( F ) {
modelGenInits() # often won't work for diffuse prior
} else {
# initialization based on data
theData = data.frame( y=datalist$y , x=factor(x,labels=xnames) )
a0 = mean( theData$y )
a = aggregate( theData$y , list( theData$x ) , mean )[,2] - a0
ssw = aggregate( theData$y , list( theData$x ) ,
function(x){var(x)*(length(x)-1)} )[,2]
sp = sqrt( sum( ssw ) / length( theData$y ) )
genInitList <- function() {
a0 = a0 ,
a = a ,
sigma = sp ,
aSDunabs = sd(a)
for ( chainIdx in 1 : nchain ) {
modelInits( bugsInits( genInitList ) )


# burn in
BurnInSteps = 10000
modelUpdate( BurnInSteps )
# actual samples
samplesSet( c( "a0" , "a" , "sigma" , "aSD" ) )
stepsPerChain = ceiling(5000/nchain)
thinStep = 750
modelUpdate( stepsPerChain , thin=thinStep )



checkConvergence = T
if ( checkConvergence ) {
sumInfo = plotChains( "a0" , saveplots=T , filenameroot=fnroot )
sumInfo = plotChains( "a" , saveplots=T , filenameroot=fnroot )
sumInfo = plotChains( "sigma" , saveplots=T , filenameroot=fnroot )
sumInfo = plotChains( "aSD" , saveplots=T , filenameroot=fnroot )

# Extract and plot the SDs:
sigmaSample = samplesSample("sigma")
aSDSample = samplesSample("aSD")
layout( matrix(1:2,nrow=2) )
par( mar=c(3,1,2.5,0) , mgp=c(2,0.7,0) )
plotPost( sigmaSample , xlab="sigma" , main="Cell SD" , breaks=30 )
plotPost( aSDSample , xlab="aSD" , main="a SD" , breaks=30 )

# Extract a values:
a0Sample = samplesSample( "a0" )
chainLength = length(a0Sample)
aSample = array( 0 , dim=c( datalist$NxLvl , chainLength ) )
for ( xidx in 1:datalist$NxLvl ) {
aSample[xidx,] = samplesSample( paste("a[",xidx,"]",sep="") )

# Convert to zero-centered b values:
mSample = array( 0, dim=c( datalist$NxLvl , chainLength ) )
for ( stepIdx in 1:chainLength ) {
mSample[,stepIdx ] = ( a0Sample[stepIdx] + aSample[,stepIdx] )
b0Sample = apply( mSample , 2 , mean )
bSample = mSample - matrix(rep( b0Sample ,NxLvl),nrow=NxLvl,byrow=T)
# Convert from standardized b values to original scale b values:
b0Sample = b0Sample * ySDorig + yMorig
bSample = bSample * ySDorig

# Plot b values:
layout( matrix( 1:datalist$NxLvl , nrow=1 ) )
par( mar=c(3,1,2.5,0) , mgp=c(2,0.7,0) )
for ( xidx in 1:datalist$NxLvl ) {
plotPost( bSample[xidx,] , breaks=30 ,
xlab=bquote(beta*1[.(xidx)]) ,
main=paste("x:",xnames[xidx]) )

# Display contrast analyses
nContrasts = length( contrastList )
if ( nContrasts > 0 ) {
nPlotPerRow = 5
nPlotRow = ceiling(nContrasts/nPlotPerRow)
nPlotCol = ceiling(nContrasts/nPlotRow)
layout( matrix(1:(nPlotRow*nPlotCol),nrow=nPlotRow,ncol=nPlotCol,byrow=T) )
par( mar=c(4,0.5,2.5,0.5) , mgp=c(2,0.7,0) )
for ( cIdx in 1:nContrasts ) {
contrast = matrix( contrastList[[cIdx]],nrow=1) # make it a row matrix
incIdx = contrast!=0
histInfo = plotPost( contrast %*% bSample , compVal=0 , breaks=30 ,
xlab=paste( round(contrast[incIdx],2) , xnames[incIdx] ,
c(rep("+",sum(incIdx)-1),"") , collapse=" " ) ,
cex.lab = 1.0 ,
main=paste( "X Contrast:", names(contrastList)[cIdx] ) )

# Do NHST ANOVA and t tests:

theData = data.frame( y=y , x=factor(x,labels=xnames) )
aovresult = aov( y ~ x , data = theData ) # NHST ANOVA
print( summary( aovresult ) )
print( model.tables( aovresult , "means" ) , digits=4 )
boxplot( y ~ x , data = theData )
print( TukeyHSD( aovresult , "x" , ordered = FALSE ) )
plot( TukeyHSD( aovresult , "x" ) )
if ( T ) {
for ( xIdx1 in 1:(NxLvl-1) ) {
for ( xIdx2 in (xIdx1+1):NxLvl ) {
cat( "xIdx1 = " , xIdx1 , ", xIdx2 = " , xIdx2 ,
", M2-M1 = " , mean(y[x==xIdx2])-mean(y[x==xIdx1]) , "\n" )
print( t.test( y[x==xIdx2] , y[x==xIdx1] , var.equal=T ) ) # t test


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