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An awesome dark color scheme for emacs. Based on the UwU vim theme.


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UwU Theme

An awesome dark color scheme for emacs.


UwU emacs theme

Try It

  1. Clone repo git clone in directory of your choosing.
  2. Type M-x load-file and choose the uwu-theme.el file.
  3. Type M-x enable-theme and choose uwu.


Using package-install

uwu-theme is available from MELPA, such that it can be installed directly via package-install.

  1. M-x: package-install RET uwu-theme RET.
  2. Add the following code in your emacs config file:
    (load-theme 'uwu t t)
    (enable-theme 'uwu)


  1. Clone repo git clone in directory of your choosing.
  2. Add the following code in your emacs config file:
    (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes") ;;; Make a themes directory and add uwu-theme to it
    (load-theme 'uwu t t)
    (enable-theme 'uwu)

Using straight.el

  1. Install straight.el
  2. Add the following code in your emacs config file:
       '(uwu-theme :host github :repo "kborling/uwu-theme"))
    (require 'uwu-theme)
    (load-theme 'uwu t)

Using use-package with straight.el

  1. Install straight.el
  2. Install use-package
    (straight-use-package 'use-package)
  3. Add the following code in your emacs config file:
    (use-package uwu-theme
       :straight (uwu-theme :host github :repo "kborling/uwu-theme")
       :config (load-theme 'uwu t))

Using Doom Emacs packages.el

  1. Add the following code in your ~/.doom.d/packages.el file:
    (package! uwu-theme
       :recipe (:host github :repo "kborling/uwu-theme"))
  2. Add the following code in your ~/.doom.d/config.el file:
    (require 'uwu-theme)
    (load-theme 'uwu t)

Using Spacemacs packages

  1. Append the following inside your ~/.config/spacemacs dotspacemacs-additional-packages variable.
    (uwu-theme :location (recipe :fetcher github :repo "kborling/uwu-theme"))
  2. prepend 'uwu' to the theme variable:
       dotspacemacs-themes '(uwu)


Variable Pitch Font

If you prefer to use a variable pitch font for headlines, add the following option to your emacs config file:

;; Set the variable pitch font
(set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil
                    :family "Roboto" :height 130 :weight 'semibold)
;; Enable the use of the variable pitch font
(setq uwu-use-variable-pitch 1)

Scaled Org/Outline Headlines

By default, the Org/Outline headlines will look like the following:

UwU scaled Org headlines

If you'd like to scale the headlines (Level 1-8), you can enable scaled headlines to achieve the following:

UwU scaled Org headlines

To use scaled headlines, add the following option to your emacs config file:

;; Scale org-mode headlines
(setq uwu-scale-org-headlines 1)
;; Scale outline-mode headlines
(setq uwu-scale-outline-headlines 1)

Distinct Line Numbers

By default, the line numbers are distinct and look like the following:

UwU distinct line numbers

If you prefer a less distracting line number style, you can disable the distinct line numbers style to achieve the following:

UwU subtle line numbers

To use the less distracting line number style, add the following option to your emacs config file:

(setq uwu-distinct-line-numbers 'nil)



An awesome dark color scheme for emacs. Based on the UwU vim theme.







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