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A collection of helpers for your Laravel application.


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Laravel-helpers is a collection of helpers for your Laravel application.


Require this package with Composer :

composer require kblais/laravel-helpers

List of helpers


Use a singular table name instead of default plural table name.


Add the trait in your model :


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kblais\LaravelHelpers\Eloquent\SingularTableNameTrait;

class User extends Model
    use SingularTableNameTrait;

OrderByDefaultOrderTrait and OrderByDefaultOrderInterface

A global scope to apply a default order on your Eloquent model, and a trait you can use to define your default order directly in your model attributes.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kblais\LaravelHelpers\Eloquent\OrderByDefaultOrderTrait;
use Kblais\LaravelHelpers\Eloquent\OrderByDefaultOrderInterface;

class User extends Model implements OrderByDefaultOrderInterface
    use OrderByDefaultOrderTrait;

     * Defaults to :
     * - column: `created_at`
     * - asc: `true`
    protected $defaultOrder = [
        'column' => 'last_login_at',
        'asc' => 'false',


A list of helpers for your Eloquent relations.


Synchronize a hasMany relation, deleting old items, updating existing and creating new ones.


Let's start from this model:

namespace App;

use App\Cat;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kblais\LaravelHelpers\Eloquent\RelationshipHelpersTrait;

class User extends Model
    use RelationshipHelpersTrait;

    protected $fillable = [
        'name', 'email', 'cats',

    protected static function boot()

        self::saved(function ($user) {

    public function cats()
        return $this->hasMany(Cat::class);

    public function setCatsAttribute($cats)
        $this->setHasManyItems('cats', $cats);

Based on this, you can directly add cats to you user like that:

    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'email' => '',
    'cats' => [
            'name' => 'Garfield',
            'color' => 'orange',
            'number' => 'Fuzzy',
            'color' => 'yellow',

When you update your model, if you pass a cats key, cats will automatically be created if not existing, updated, or deleted if not in your cats array.


Synchronize a hasOne relation, creating the new relation item or updating it.

namespace App;

use App\Cat;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kblais\LaravelHelpers\Eloquent\RelationshipHelpersTrait;

class User extends Model
    use RelationshipHelpersTrait;

    protected $fillable = [
        'name', 'email', 'address',

    protected static function boot()

        self::saved(function ($user) {

    public function address()
        return $this->hasOne(Address::class);

    public function setAddressAttribute($address)
        $this->setHasOneItem('address', $address);

To create your user with its address, you just need the following:

    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'email' => '',
    'address' = [
        'number' => '18',
        'street' => 'rue Scribe',
        'city' => 'Nantes',
        'country' => 'France',

Passing an address array in your update() method will also update your user's address.


The AreRelated middleware allows you to check if two route resources are related. It currently only works with HasOneOrMany/BelongsTo relations.


In your app/Http/Kernel.php, add the following line in the $routeMiddleware array:

'areRelated' => \Kblais\LaravelHelpers\Routing\Middleware\AreRelated::class,

Then, let's imagine we have two models Channel and Message:

use \Illuminate\Database\Model;

class Channel extends Model

class Message extends Model
    public function channel()
        return $this->belongsTo(Channel::class);

And, in your routes:

Route::resource('channel.message', 'MessageController');

Because your resources and your relations have the same name (channel and message), you can add the middleware to your resource route to assure that the message you try to access belongs to it's channel:

Route::resource('channel.message', 'MessageController')

If you use custom route bindings, the middleware accepts a third attribute to define the relationship name. For example, if these bindings are defined:

Route::bind('discussion', function ($value) {
    return Channel::find($value);

Your route definition will be:

Route::resource('discussion.message', 'MessageController')



  • This projects follows the PSR-2 coding standard, ensure the code you write does too.
  • Consider writing tests when adding a new feature.

Running tests

You can run the tests using the following command (be sure to composer install before):

composer run-script test