This is the unofficial Jetbrains PPA which you can use to get the latest and greatest products from Jetbrains.
Currently, the following packages are supported and automatically updated using GitHub Actions.
- CLion
- DataGrip
- DataSpell
- GoLand
- IntelliJ IDEA Community
- IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
- JetBrains Gateway
- PhpStorm
- PyCharm Community
- PyCharm Education
- PyCharm Professional
- Rider
- RubyMine
- WebStorm
To use it, enter the commands below, one by one. They download the correct GPG Key and add this repositories sources to your system sources.
curl -s | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/jetbrains-ppa-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jetbrains-ppa-archive-keyring.gpg] any main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jetbrains-ppa.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
To install for example IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, you can now run
sudo apt-get install intellij-idea-ultimate
If you still have the sources from my Launchpad PPA, please run:
sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jetbrains.list{,.distUpgrade,.save}
Then, follow the installation instructions under Installation
If you have any issues, please create a GitHub issue.
Check your apt policy. It should say any/main
after the URL. If it doesen't (like below), please redo the installation instructions.
$ apt show pycharm-professional | grep "APT-Sources"
APT-Sources: bionic/main amd64 Packages
Run the two commands below to remove the jetbrains-ppa
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jetbrains-ppa.list
apt-key del "C647 DF71 1B0C CC6A 9F87 69D0 F3A7 67B5 A6E8 698A"
Then, follow the installation instructions under Installation
If you want a package for another Jetbrains product please create a GitHub issue.
Why not use the official snap packages?
Sure! If you like snap packages, go ahead. However, not all packages contained in this repository are already available as snap packages. And maybe you don't like snaps? :)
You will need fpm (based on ruby) and jq installed:
sudo apt install jq ruby ruby-dev rubygems build-essential
sudo gem install fpm
To build a package, run the build
script with a package folder:
./build-single-deb packages/<package>
To build intellij-idea-ultimate for example use:
./build-single-deb packages/intellij-idea-ultimate
I hate manually downloading, extracting and moving the *.tar.gz
from the
JetBrains website to get an IDE update. Unfortunately JetBrains does not have a
Debian repository.
There are already existing PPAs. However, none have continuous delivery or provide a wide range of JetBrains products.
# Create the build container
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t jetbrains-ppa-builder:latest .
# Use the build container
docker run -it --env-file build.env -v "$(pwd):/app" jetbrains-ppa-builder:latest
# Test GH action
act --secret-file build.env schedule
Maintained by Jonas Gröger. Automatically updated by GitHub Actions.