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[java-lib] (unstable) Cleanup normalize_jclass, and start to add no-c…
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…heck mode.

No-check mode still doesn't compile - needs -D force_lib_check to compile
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waneck committed Mar 4, 2015
1 parent 5f15e6f commit a260567
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Showing 4 changed files with 132 additions and 87 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ module Meta = struct
| Keep
| KeepInit
| KeepSub
| LibType
| Meta
| Macro
| MaybeUsed
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ module Define = struct
| FileExtension
| FlashStrict
| FlashUseStage
| ForceLibCheck
| ForceNativeProperty
| FormatWarning
| GencommonDebug
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,6 +275,8 @@ module Define = struct
| FileExtension -> ("file_extension","Output filename extension for cpp source code")
| FlashStrict -> ("flash_strict","More strict typing for flash target")
| FlashUseStage -> ("flash_use_stage","Keep the SWF library initial stage")
(* force_lib_check is only here as a debug facility - compiler checking allows errors to be found more easily *)
| ForceLibCheck -> ("force_lib_check","Force the compiler to check -net-lib and -java-lib added classes (internal)")
| ForceNativeProperty -> ("force_native_property","Tag all properties with :nativeProperty metadata for 3.1 compatibility")
| FormatWarning -> ("format_warning","Print a warning for each formated string, for 2.x compatibility")
| GencommonDebug -> ("gencommon_debug","GenCommon internal")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,6 +433,7 @@ module MetaInfo = struct
| Keep -> ":keep",("Causes a field or type to be kept by DCE",[])
| KeepInit -> ":keepInit",("Causes a class to be kept by DCE even if all its field are removed",[UsedOn TClass])
| KeepSub -> ":keepSub",("Extends @:keep metadata to all implementing and extending classes",[UsedOn TClass])
| LibType -> ":libType",("Used by -net-lib and -java-lib to mark a class that shouldn't be checked (overrides, interfaces, etc) by the type loader",[Internal; UsedOn TClass; Platforms [Java;Cs]])
| Meta -> ":meta",("Internally used to mark a class field as being the metadata field",[])
| Macro -> ":macro",("(deprecated)",[])
| MaybeUsed -> ":maybeUsed",("Internally used by DCE to mark fields that might be kept",[Internal])
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208 changes: 122 additions & 86 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2463,6 +2463,10 @@ exception ConversionError of string * pos

let error s p = raise (ConversionError (s, p))

let is_haxe_keyword = function
| "callback" | "cast" | "extern" | "function" | "in" | "typedef" | "using" | "var" | "untyped" | "inline" -> true
| _ -> false

let jname_to_hx name =
let name =
if name <> "" && (String.get name 0 < 'A' || String.get name 0 > 'Z') then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2756,6 +2760,10 @@ let convert_java_enum ctx p pe =
match String.get cff_name 0 with
| '%' ->
let name = (String.sub cff_name 1 (String.length cff_name - 1)) in
if not (is_haxe_keyword name) then
cff_meta := (Meta.Deprecated, [EConst(String(
"This static field `_" ^ name ^ "` is deprecated and will be removed in later versions. Please use `" ^ name ^ "` instead")
),p], p) :: !cff_meta;
"_" ^ name,
(Meta.Native, [EConst (String (name) ), cff_pos], cff_pos) :: !cff_meta
| _ ->
Expand All @@ -2766,6 +2774,8 @@ let convert_java_enum ctx p pe =
String.concat "_" parts,
(Meta.Native, [EConst (String (cff_name) ), cff_pos], cff_pos) :: !cff_meta
if PMap.mem "java_loader_debug" ctx.jcom.defines then
Printf.printf "\t%s%sfield %s : %s\n" (if List.mem AStatic !cff_access then "static " else "") (if List.mem AOverride !cff_access then "override " else "") cff_name (s_sig field.jf_signature);

cff_name = cff_name;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2806,8 +2816,15 @@ let convert_java_enum ctx p pe =
[convert_java_enum ctx p jc]
| false ->
let flags = ref [HExtern] in
if PMap.mem "java_loader_debug" ctx.jcom.defines then begin
let sup = jc.csuper :: jc.cinterfaces in
print_endline ("converting " ^ (if List.mem JAbstract jc.cflags then "abstract " else "") ^ JData.path_s jc.cpath ^ " : " ^ (String.concat ", " ( s_sig sup)));
(* todo: instead of JavaNative, use more specific definitions *)
let meta = ref [Meta.JavaNative, [], p; Meta.Native, [EConst (String (real_java_path ctx jc.cpath) ), p], p; get_canonical ctx p (fst jc.cpath) (snd jc.cpath)] in
let force_check = Common.defined ctx.jcom Define.ForceLibCheck in
if not force_check then
meta := (Meta.LibType,[],p) :: !meta;

let is_interface = ref false in
List.iter (fun f -> match f with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3044,10 +3061,8 @@ let compare_type com s1 s2 =
let implements = (japply_params jparams) c.cinterfaces in
loop ~first_error:first_error super s2 || List.exists (fun super -> loop ~first_error:first_error super s2) implements
with | Not_found ->
if com.verbose then begin
prerr_endline ("-java-lib: The type " ^ (s_sig s1) ^ " is referred but was not found. Compilation may not occur correctly.");
prerr_endline "Did you forget to include a needed lib?"
prerr_endline ("-java-lib: The type " ^ (s_sig s1) ^ " is referred but was not found. Compilation may not occur correctly.");
prerr_endline "Did you forget to include a needed lib?";
if first_error then
not (loop ~first_error:false s2 s1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3102,62 +3117,70 @@ let select_best com flist =
| f :: [] -> Some f
| f :: flist -> Some f (* pick one *)

let normalize_jclass com cls =
(* search static / non-static name clash *)
let nonstatics = ref [] in
List.iter (fun f ->
if not(List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags) then nonstatics := f :: !nonstatics
) (cls.cfields @ cls.cmethods);
(* we won't be able to deal correctly with field's type parameters *)
(* since java sometimes overrides / implements crude (ie no type parameters) versions *)
(* and interchanges between them *)
(* let methods = (fun f -> let f = del_override f in if f.jf_types <> [] then { f with jf_types = []; jf_signature = f.jf_vmsignature } else f ) cls.cmethods in *)
(* let pth = path_s cls.cpath in *)
let methods = (fun f -> del_override f ) cls.cmethods in
(* take off duplicate overload signature class fields from current class *)
let cmethods = ref methods in
let all_methods = ref methods in
let all_fields = ref cls.cfields in
let super_fields = ref [] in
let super_methods = ref [] in
(* fix overrides *)
let rec loop cls = try
(**** begin normalize_jclass helpers ****)

let fix_overrides_jclass com cls =
let force_check = Common.defined com Define.ForceLibCheck in
let methods = if force_check then (fun f -> del_override f) cls.cmethods else cls.cmethods in
let cmethods = methods in
let super_fields = [] in
let super_methods = [] in
let nonstatics = List.filter (fun f -> not (List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags)) (cls.cfields @ cls.cmethods) in

let is_pub = fun f -> List.exists (function | JPublic | JProtected -> true | _ -> false) f.jf_flags in
let cmethods, super_fields = if not (List.mem JInterface cls.cflags) then
List.filter is_pub cmethods,
List.filter is_pub super_fields

let rec loop cls super_methods super_fields cmethods nonstatics = try
match cls.csuper with
| TObject((["java";"lang"],"Object"),_) -> ()
| TObject((["java";"lang"],"Object"),_) ->
| _ ->
let cls, params = jcl_from_jsig com cls.csuper in
let cls = jclass_with_params com cls params in
List.iter (fun f -> if not (List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags) then nonstatics := f :: !nonstatics) (cls.cfields @ cls.cmethods);
super_methods := cls.cmethods @ !super_methods;
all_methods := cls.cmethods @ !all_methods;
all_fields := cls.cfields @ !all_fields;
super_fields := cls.cfields @ !super_fields;
let overriden = ref [] in
cmethods := (fun jm ->
(* TODO rewrite/standardize empty spaces *)
if not (is_override jm) && not(List.mem JStatic jm.jf_flags) && List.exists (fun msup ->
let ret = msup.jf_name = jm.jf_name && not(List.mem JStatic msup.jf_flags) && compatible_methods msup jm in
if ret then begin
let f = mk_override msup in
overriden := { f with jf_flags = jm.jf_flags } :: !overriden
) cls.cmethods then
mk_override jm
) !cmethods;
cmethods := !overriden @ !cmethods;
loop cls
with | Not_found -> ()
if not (List.mem JInterface cls.cflags) then begin
cmethods := List.filter (fun f -> List.exists (function | JPublic | JProtected -> true | _ -> false) f.jf_flags) !cmethods;
all_fields := List.filter (fun f -> List.exists (function | JPublic | JProtected -> true | _ -> false) f.jf_flags) !all_fields;
super_fields := List.filter (fun f -> List.exists (function | JPublic | JProtected -> true | _ -> false) f.jf_flags) !super_fields;
loop cls;
let nonstatics = (List.filter (fun f -> (List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags)) (cls.cfields @ cls.cmethods)) @ nonstatics in
let super_methods = cls.cmethods @ super_methods in
let super_fields = cls.cfields @ super_fields in
let cmethods = if force_check then begin
let overriden = ref [] in
let cmethods = (fun jm ->
(* TODO rewrite/standardize empty spaces *)
if not (is_override jm) && not (List.mem JStatic jm.jf_flags) && List.exists (fun msup ->
let ret = msup.jf_name = jm.jf_name && not(List.mem JStatic msup.jf_flags) && compatible_methods msup jm in
if ret then begin
let f = mk_override msup in
overriden := { f with jf_flags = jm.jf_flags } :: !overriden
) cls.cmethods then
mk_override jm
) cmethods in
!overriden @ cmethods
end else
loop cls super_methods super_fields cmethods nonstatics
with | Not_found ->
loop cls super_methods super_fields cmethods nonstatics

let normalize_jclass com cls =
(* after adding the noCheck metadata, this option will annotate what changes were needed *)
(* and that are now deprecated *)
let force_check = Common.defined com Define.ForceLibCheck in
(* fix overrides *)
let super_methods, super_fields, cmethods, nonstatics = fix_overrides_jclass com cls in
let all_methods = cmethods @ super_methods in

(* look for interfaces and add missing implementations (may happen on abstracts or by vmsig differences *)
(* (no_check): even with nocheck enabled, we need to add these missing fields - otherwise we won't be able to use them from Haxe *)
let added_interface_fields = ref [] in
let rec loop_interface abstract cls iface = try
match iface with
Expand All @@ -3167,68 +3190,79 @@ let normalize_jclass com cls =
let cif, params = jcl_from_jsig com iface in
let cif = jclass_with_params com cif params in
List.iter (fun jf ->
if not(List.mem JStatic jf.jf_flags) && not (List.exists (fun jf2 -> jf.jf_name = jf2.jf_name && not (List.mem JStatic jf2.jf_flags) && jf.jf_signature = jf2.jf_signature) !all_methods) then begin
let jf = if abstract then del_override jf else jf in
if not(List.mem JStatic jf.jf_flags) && not (List.exists (fun jf2 -> jf.jf_name = jf2.jf_name && not (List.mem JStatic jf2.jf_flags) && jf.jf_signature = jf2.jf_signature) all_methods) then begin
let jf = if abstract && force_check then del_override jf else jf in
let jf = { jf with jf_flags = JPublic :: jf.jf_flags } in (* interfaces implementations are always public *)

added_interface_fields := jf :: !added_interface_fields;
cmethods := jf :: !cmethods;
all_methods := jf :: !all_methods;
nonstatics := jf :: !nonstatics;
) cif.cmethods;
List.iter (loop_interface abstract cif) cif.cinterfaces;
(* we don't need to loop again in the interface unless we are in an abstract class, since these interfaces are already normalized *)
if abstract then List.iter (loop_interface abstract cif) cif.cinterfaces;
with Not_found -> ()
(* another pass: *)
(* if List.mem JAbstract cls.cflags then List.iter loop_interface cls.cinterfaces; *)
(* if not (List.mem JInterface cls.cflags) then *)
List.iter (loop_interface (List.mem JAbstract cls.cflags) cls) cls.cinterfaces;
let nonstatics = !added_interface_fields @ nonstatics in
let cmethods = !added_interface_fields @ cmethods in

(* for each added field in the interface, lookup in super_methods possible methods to include *)
(* so we can choose the better method still *)
let cmethods = if not force_check then
List.fold_left (fun cmethods im ->
(* see if any of the added_interface_fields need to be declared as override *)
let f = List.find_all (fun jf -> jf.jf_name = im.jf_name && compatible_methods jf im) super_methods in
let f = mk_override f in
f @ cmethods
) cmethods !added_interface_fields;

List.iter (fun im ->
let f = List.find_all (fun jf -> jf.jf_name = im.jf_name && compatible_methods jf im) !super_methods in
let f = mk_override f in
cmethods := f @ !cmethods
) !added_interface_fields;
(* take off equals, hashCode and toString from interface *)
if List.mem JInterface cls.cflags then cmethods := List.filter (fun jf -> match jf.jf_name, jf.jf_vmsignature with
let cmethods = if List.mem JInterface cls.cflags then List.filter (fun jf -> match jf.jf_name, jf.jf_vmsignature with
| "equals", TMethod([TObject( (["java";"lang"],"Object"), _)],_)
| "hashCode", TMethod([], _)
| "toString", TMethod([], _) -> false
| _ -> true
) !cmethods;
(* change field name to not collide with haxe keywords *)
let map_field f =
let change = match f.jf_name with
| "callback" | "cast" | "extern" | "function" | "in" | "typedef" | "using" | "var" | "untyped" | "inline" -> true
| _ when List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags && List.exists (fun f2 -> f.jf_name = f2.jf_name) !nonstatics -> true
| _ -> false
) cmethods

(* change field name to not collide with haxe keywords and with static/non-static members *)
let fold_field acc f =
let change, both = match f.jf_name with
| _ when List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags && List.exists (fun f2 -> f.jf_name = f2.jf_name) nonstatics -> true, true
| _ -> is_haxe_keyword f.jf_name, false
if change then
{ f with jf_name = "%" ^ f.jf_name }
let f2 = if change then
{ f with jf_name = "%" ^ f.jf_name }
if both then f :: f2 :: acc else f2 :: acc

(* change static fields that have the same name as methods *)
let cfields = map_field cls.cfields in
let cmethods = map_field !cmethods in
let cfields = List.fold_left fold_field [] cls.cfields in
let cmethods = List.fold_left fold_field [] cmethods in
(* take off variable fields that have the same name as methods *)
(* and take off variables that already have been declared *)
let filter_field f f2 = f != f2 && (List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags = List.mem JStatic f2.jf_flags) && f.jf_name = f2.jf_name && f2.jf_kind <> f.jf_kind in
let cfields = List.filter (fun f ->
if List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags then
not (List.exists (filter_field f) cmethods)
not (List.exists (filter_field f) !nonstatics) && not (List.exists (fun f2 -> f != f2 && f.jf_name = f2.jf_name && not (List.mem JStatic f2.jf_flags)) !all_fields) ) cfields
not (List.exists (filter_field f) nonstatics) && not (List.exists (fun f2 -> f != f2 && f.jf_name = f2.jf_name && not (List.mem JStatic f2.jf_flags)) super_fields) ) cfields
(* now filter any method that clashes with a field - on a superclass *)
let cmethods = List.filter (fun f ->
let cmethods = if force_check then List.filter (fun f ->
if List.mem JStatic f.jf_flags then
not (List.exists (filter_field f) !super_fields) ) cmethods
not (List.exists (filter_field f) super_fields) ) cmethods
(* removing duplicate fields. They are there because of return type covariance in Java *)
(* Also, if a method overrides a previous definition, and changes a type parameters' variance, *)
Expand All @@ -3252,6 +3286,8 @@ let normalize_jclass com cls =
let cmethods = loop [] cmethods in
{ cls with cfields = cfields; cmethods = cmethods }

(**** end normalize_jclass helpers ****)

let get_classes_zip zip =
let ret = ref [] in
List.iter (function
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2078,6 +2078,10 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =

(* ----------------------- FIELD INIT ----------------------------- *)

(* a lib type will skip most checks *)
let is_lib = Meta.has Meta.LibType c.cl_meta in
(* a native type will skip one check: the static vs non-static field *)
let is_native = Meta.has Meta.JavaNative c.cl_meta || Meta.has Meta.CsNative c.cl_meta in

let loop_cf f =
let name = f.cff_name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2569,7 +2573,7 @@ let init_class ctx c p context_init herits fields =
display_error ctx "Duplicate constructor" p
end else if not is_static || f.cf_name <> "__init__" then begin
let dup = if is_static then PMap.exists f.cf_name c.cl_fields || has_field f.cf_name c.cl_super else PMap.exists f.cf_name c.cl_statics in
if dup then error ("Same field name can't be use for both static and instance : " ^ f.cf_name) p;
if not is_native && dup then error ("Same field name can't be use for both static and instance : " ^ f.cf_name) p;
if List.mem AOverride fd.cff_access then c.cl_overrides <- f :: c.cl_overrides;
let is_var f = match f.cf_kind with | Var _ -> true | _ -> false in
if PMap.mem f.cf_name (if is_static then c.cl_statics else c.cl_fields) then
Expand Down

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