Paste-Replace provides new operators to replace text objects with register contents in vim. In other words, it makes it much easier to replace text with another text you had copied. Like any default vim operator, they can be preceded by a count and followed by any motion or operator-pending mode command. Also, if you happen to use a plugin that adds custom text objects, like targets, or custom motions like easymotion, Paste-Replace will be compatible with it. The two replace operators are cr (replace with system clipboard) and yr (replace with last yanked text), and there is also cy, that copies to the system clipboard.
Plug 'kauer3/paste-replace.vim'
Plugin 'kauer3/paste-replace.vim'
NeoBundle 'kauer3/paste-replace.vim'
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/paste-replace.vim
To access Paste-Replace documentation, in Vim command mode, enter:
:help paste-replace