A place to collect an inventory of all the various hardware pieces I have. Ideally so I don't forget and so I have easy links to documentation when I want to revisit any of them. Also links to projects I've done with them, maybe?
- Badger 2350 - A programmable badge with an e-ink display, which was created for GitHub Universe 2024. I didn't get to attend, but I was able to buy one from the GitHub Store afterwards.
- Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
- Raspberry Pi Zero W in Raspberry Pi Case
- Raspberry Pi Zero W with pin attachment in clear adafruit case
- Espruino MDBT42Q Bluetooth Module
- Sparkfun Photon Redboard
- Raspberry Pi Camera Module 2
- Also includes a built in cover to attach to Raspberry Pi Zero W
- Also includes a fish eye lens cap, I think?
- Bojack DHT 11 Temperature Humidity Sensors - 4
- 0.96 inch OLED Display - GM009605
- Mini USB to Serial FTDI Breakout Board - debugging and provides power