Releases: kaskada-ai/kaskada
Kaskada 0.6.1
✨ Features & Enhancements
🐞 Bug fixes
🛠️ Other improvements
12 changes
- Parameterized pytests for math operations (#823)
- updated docs for 2 examples (#833)
- added READMEs and simplified CI (#835)
- Update installation.qmd (#831)
- Update (#830)
- remove alpha banner (#829)
- updated reddit example for quarto (#826)
- rename sparrow-sources to sparrow-io (#824)
- Switch to quarto for docs (#799)
- add in-memory batch unit tests (#821)
- use lexsort to verify batch order (#820)
- split up the expression crate (#819)
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @epinzur, @jordanrfrazier and @kerinin
Kaskada 0.6.0
✨ Features & Enhancements
- compile and execute partitioned query (#806)
- add source trait (#803)
- Support S3 paths in Parquet inputs (#798)
🐞 Bug fixes
- release the GIL during sync iteration (#810)
🛠️ Other improvements
- Rename sparrow-execution to sparrow-plan-execution (#817)
- Move source to a public module in interfaces (#816)
- Update release_python.yml (#815)
- Update (#812)
- Update (#811)
- Move rust CI steps to ci_python.yml (#809)
- fix release drafting (#808)
- removed ci workflows for the engine, python client, and cli (#772)
- move execution tests to a separate file (#802)
- update param name on parquet source to match docs (#804)
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @epinzur and @jordanrfrazier
Kaskada 0.6.0-a.4
✨ Features & Enhancements
- initial logical to physical compile (#792)
- support lists in spread zip (#793)
- add select transform (#789)
- support time unit via preparing parquet from python (#786)
- Expose DFG and query plans on Timestream (#780)
- allow periodic filtering of aggregations using a tumbling window (#758)
- add parquet source to python ffi (#749)
- Async back-pressure on adding to a source (#746)
🐞 Bug fixes
- temporarily ignore parquet source tests to build windows (#796)
- uses URL instead of string to construct path to file (#797)
- make file paths platform-independent (#795)
- drains output channel when batching results (#763)
- fix shift to batch bounds (#770)
🛠️ Other improvements
20 changes
- move prepared files to ~/.cache dir (#781)
- import the community page (#791)
- Update Arrow version (#784)
- Simplify expressions in physical plan (#782)
- use new prepare code and remove some old (#778)
- added new jsonl-file source (#773)
- fixed issue when subsort is provided (#771)
- fix typo in docs (#769)
- added substring, json, len, is_valid methods (#767)
- locked python client to engine@v0.11.0 (#764)
- Add an example reading from Reddit (#757)
- Introduce logical plan creation (#756)
- Flesh out scripts for the SQL benchmark (#762)
- remove print in parquet source method (#760)
- replace first/last with generic aggregators (#755)
- Doc fixes to align to new API and release versions (#750)
- Update pyproject.toml (#753)
- Add an example showing how to consume from BlueSky (#751)
- tweaks to bluesky example (#752)
- remove unused file (#742)
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @epinzur, @jordanrfrazier and @kerinin
Python Fenl 0.5.3
🛠️ Other improvements
- locked python client to engine@v0.11.0 (#764)
- removed redis destination (#542)
- python client download specific engine release (#564)
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @epinzur, @jordanrfrazier, @kerinin, @kevinjnguyen, @therapon and semantic-release
Kaskada 0.6.0-a.3
✨ Features & Enhancements
- Configurable retention on PyDict sources (#744)
🐞 Bug fixes
- Live executions with an empty PyDict (#745)
🛠️ Other improvements
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers and @kerinin
Kaskada 0.6.0-a.2
✨ Features & Enhancements
- Add support for results and time ranges (#733)
- allow comparisons against literal timedeltas (#731)
- introduce new execution API (#728)
- Introduce crate for standalone signatures (#706)
- allow callables in more places (#714)
🐞 Bug fixes
- fix normalization of versions when setting toml (#737)
- fix set version release script (#736)
- fix hashing of udfs (#718)
🛠️ Other improvements
12 changes
- add missing quotation in release announcement (#741)
- comment out arm64 wheel target (#739)
- pip install tomlkit in release (#738)
- add basic list example notebook (#578)
- Adding example showing real-time event handling from API requests (#735)
- implemented numerous existing operations (#723)
- Use pydata theme and setup ablog (#732)
- First pass fleshing out the user guide (#720)
- Allow multiple imports per line (#727)
- Edit Wren's readme (#724)
- Start fleshing out documentation on timestreams (#715)
- Change to Google Doc Style (#712)
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @epinzur, @jordanrfrazier and @kerinin
Fenl Python 0.5.2
🛠️ Other improvements
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @epinzur, @jordanrfrazier, @kerinin, @kevinjnguyen, @therapon and semantic-release
Kaskada 0.6.0-a.1
✨ Features & Enhancements
- python udf implementation (#703)
- Expose tick functions (#702)
- add more aggregations/functions (#686)
- udf node creation in dfg (#681)
- Add a plot to the tour (#689)
- remove subsort and key hash columns (#688)
🛠️ Other improvements
- echo versions in python release (#710)
- Make parameters to sources explicit (#707)
- Review data types (#708)
- fix logo in hero (#705)
- Update (#704)
- Omit page-TOC for single-page docs (#699)
- Fixes / notes on release process (#694)
- re-install Kaskada when building docs (#700)
- Cargo update to fix cargo deny (#701)
- Fix link and logos (#687)
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @jordanrfrazier, @kerinin and @kevinjnguyen
🏆 Highlights
- New, native-Python query builder and execution layer. Single wheel installation, no need to learn Fenl.
✨ Features & Enhancements
Too many to list!
🛠️ Other improvements
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@YoshiyukiKono, @bjchambers, @briangodsey, @epinzur, @github-merge-queue[bot], @jbellis, @jordanrfrazier, @kerinin, @kevinjnguyen, @qzg, @rltvty, @sachelsout, and @therapon
Engine 0.11.0
✨ Features & Enhancements
- support since windows in collect aggregations (#583)
- Add record field manipulation (#582)
- Execute Python queries (#575)
- Allow writing to a channel (#572)
- collect to list (non-windowed) (primitive/strings/booleans) (#569)
- Prepare data in rust (#568)
- sparrow_py initial table management (#565)
- Connect Python builder to Rust (#561)
for DataType::List (#562)- Prototype calling Python UDFs from rust (#559)
- add prototype python query builder (#553)
- Use new hashing (#545)
🐞 Bug fixes
- fix default schema in inference for map/list (#577)
- fix non-generic conversions in string spread (#563)
🛠️ Other improvements
- removed redis destination (#542)
- fix wren panic on failed complication (#571)
- Expose a QueryBuilder (#558)
- More version upgrades (#557)
- update tonic versions (#555)
Thank you to all our contributors for making this release possible!
@bjchambers, @epinzur, @jordanrfrazier, @kerinin, @kevinjnguyen and @therapon