Known Ethereum nodes lack functionality to get transaction list for ETH address (account). This Indexer allows to explore transactions by Ethereum address and obtain a history of any user|wallet in just a move, like Etherscan does.
Indexer is written in Python. It works as a service in background:
- connects to Ethereum node (works well with geth or parity, others are not tested)
- stores all transactions in Postgres database
- provides data for API to get transactions by address
All indexed transactions includes (database field names shown):
is a transaction'stimestamp
(sender) Ethereum addressto
(recepient) Ethereum addressvalue
of ETH transactiongas
is a transaction's block numbertxhash
is a transaction'shash
indicates recepient's Ethereum address in case of contractcontract_value
of ERC20 transaction in its tokens
An example:
"time": 1576008898,
"txfrom": "0x6B924750e56A674A2Ad01FBF09C7c9012f16f094",
"txto": "0x1143E097e134F3407eF6B088672CCECE9A4f8CDD",
"gas": 21000,
"gasprice": 2500000000,
"block": 9084957,
"txhash": "\\xcf56a031dfc89f5a3686cd441ea97ae96a66f5809a4c8c1b370485a04fb37e0e",
"value": 1200000000000000,
"contract_to": "",
"contract_value": ""
Refers to transaction 0xcf56a031dfc89f5a3686cd441ea97ae96a66f5809a4c8c1b370485a04fb37e0e.
Indexer script
is recommended to be run as a background service. Log is stored in /var/log/ethindexer.log
By default, Indexer connects to parity Ethereum node. Check these lines for correct path to ipc
before you start the service. You can also connect to other Ethereum node like geth.
# Connect to geth node
#web3 = Web3(Web3.IPCProvider("/home/geth/.ethereum/geth.ipc"))
# Or connect to parity node
web3 = Web3(Web3.IPCProvider("/home/parity/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum/jsonrpc.ipc"))
Indexer can fetch transactions not from the beginnig, but from special block number. It will speed up indexing process and reduce database size. If you want to indicate starting Ethereum block number, set it instead of default 46146
if maxblockindb is None:
maxblockindb = 46146
For a reference, index size starting from 5,555,555 block to 9,000,000 is about 190 GB.
First Indexer will store transactions starting from block you set. It will take a time. After that, it will check for new blocks every 20 seconds and update the index. If you want to change the interval, change the line:
To get Ethereum transactions by address, Postgrest is used. It provides RESTful API to Postgres index database.
After index is created, you can use requests like
curl -k -X GET "http://localhost:3000/?and=(contract_to.eq.,or(txfrom.eq.0x6b924750e56a674a2ad01fbf09c7c9012f16f094,txto.eq.0x6b924750e56a674a2ad01fbf09c7c9012f16f094))&order=time.desc&limit=25"
The request will show 25 last transactions for Ethereum address 0x6b924750e56a674a2ad01fbf09c7c9012f16f094, ordered by timestamp. For API reference, see Postgrest.
- geth or parity (with currently synchronized chain)
- Python 3.6
- Postgresql 10.5
- Postgrest
- nginx (in case of public API)
Make sure your Ethereum node is installed and is fully synced. In case of parity, you can check its API and best block height with the command:
curl --data '{"method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8545
Install Python. Install python modules:
pip3 install web3
pip3 install psycopg2
Install Postgre. Create Postgres user:
createuser -s <yourusername>
(As example we create superuser. You can use your own grants.)
Create table using sql script create_table.sql
psql -f create_table.sql <yourDB>
— user who will run service. <yourDB>
— target Postgres database.
is a script which makes Ethereum transactions index to get transactions by ETH address using API. For configuration, see Details and configuration.
Run the Indexer.
python3.6 you/path/to/script/ <yourDB>
Or use ethstorage.service
to run as a deamon (recommended). You should correct the line:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3.6 you/path/to/script/ <yourDB>
Put the file to /lib/systemd/system
. Then register a service:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start ethstorage.service
Note, indexing takes time. To check indexing process, get the last indexed block:
psql -d index -c 'SELECT MAX(block) FROM ethtxs;'
And compare to Ethereum node's best block.
Install and configure Postgrest.
Here is an example to run API for user api_user
connected to index
database on 3000 port:
db-uri = "postgres://api_user@/index"
db-schema = "public"
db-anon-role = "api_user"
db-pool = 10
server-host = ""
server-port = 3000
Make sure you add Postgrest in crontab for autostart on reboot:
@reboot cd /usr/share && /usr/bin/postgrest ./postgrest.conf
If you need to provide public API, use any webserver like nginx and setup proxy to Postgrest port in config:
location /ethtxs {
location /aval {
This way two endpoints will be available:
used to fetch Ethereum transactions by address/aval
returns status of service
Copyright © 2017-2019 ADAMANT TECH LABS LP
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see