Use case:
Looking to test an AngularJS module (angular-ui/ui-router) against several versions of AngularJS, with and without specific plugins (angular-animate).
So, rather than making a big ugly grunt task to manage all of this, I thought it would be nice to write a karma plugin to simplify this.
The goal is this: interface with the bower API to install modules before a test suite is run (by injecting config.bower into the framework factory)
The problem I run into is that I can't seem to find a way to have a plugin treated as asynchronous, so that it can wait for installation to complete.
This would be a super-awesome plugin (I think), and it would depend on a super-awesome feature of Karma.
I could look at implementing this, but I am not aware of all of the finer points of the karma-runner, so it would be really nice if someone could give this some consideration