This html page represents a 'musical lock': to 'open' the lock three people must each sing or hum the three pitches in a C chord, that is C4 (264Hz), E4 (330Hz), and G4 (396Hz).
This page works best on a desktop brower, as most mobile browsers are very particular about audio autoplay.
The page presents three red buttons, each of which corresponds to one of the three target pitches. Pressing a button plays an audio file of the respective target pitch (called c4.mp3, e4.mp3, etc.).
Also, the page is listening to the microphone. It performs an FFT on the raw microphone data, identifies the loudest audio frequencies in the data, and if any of the three notes of interest are present it turns the respective corresponding light green
If all three notes are detected in the signal then all three audio files and the octave C5 (524Hz) are played. At the conclusion of C5, victory() is called (right now victory() just resets the page).
See it in practice here: