Our trie package is out of date for a long time. There are some Ethereum-based updates that we can apply to our core blockchain to improve performance and prepare prerequisites for a state trie prunning mechanism for non-archive nodes.
Changed PRs:
- Christmas trie #236
- Parallel hashing #238
- Implement stacktrie to improve RLP/hashing performance #244
Related Ethereum PRs:
- Christmas trie ethereum/go-ethereum#20481
- Parallel hashing ethereum/go-ethereum#20488
- Implement stackTrie klaytn/klaytn#1504
- core/types, rlp: optimize derivesha ethereum/go-ethereum#21728
- rlp, trie: faster trie node encoding ethereum/go-ethereum#24126
- cmd, core/state: implement state pruner ethereum/go-ethereum#21042: simple state pruner
- all: bloom-filter based pruning mechanism ethereum/go-ethereum#21724: improved state pruner using bloom filter
Each update will be broken down in the corresponding pull requests in the future.