Simple programming language made for fun to learn how parsers and compilers works. Don't have much capability but have the basic stuff like functions, if, loops.
Each program has to have main()
function main() {
//add your code here
This is the starting point of every script.
Execute script.ks
# ./karboscript script.ks
Show opcodes for script.ks
# ./karboscript --opcode script.ks
We have to our disposal couple of buildin functions:
function name | arguments | return | example |
out() | any variable... | nothing | out(1,2,3); |
readLine() | nothing | string | name = readLine(); |
readInt() | nothing | int | name = readInt(); |
function <name>([<type> <argument_name>], ...) [return_type] {
<type> <var_name> = <expression>;
For example: string test = "hello world";
array <var_name> = [<expression>, ...];
Access array element
Assign array element
<array_name>[<index>] = <expression>;
Push new element to array
<array_name>[] = <expression>;
<function_name>(<argument>, ...);
For example: func(1, 2, 3, variable);
while (<expresion>) {
for <init_statement>; <compare_expresion>; <inrement_statement>; {
From to
from <starting_value_expresion> to <ending_value_expresion> as <variable_name>; {
function main() {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
while (b < 500) {
c = b;
b = a + b;
a = c;
out (b);
while loop:
function main() {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
while (a < 5) {
b = 1;
while (b < 5) {
out ("test", b);
If statement
function main()
if (10 == 10) {
out("10 == 10");
if (500 < 200) {
out("500 < 200");
if (12 > 10) {
out("12 > 10");
Arguments for function
function main()
out(1000 + test(800), test(500));
function test(int test)
return test + 200;
For loop
function main() {
for int i=0; i<10; i=i+1; {
For increment (loop from one expresion to another with interval of 1)
function main() {
from 0 to 10 as i {
Read line from stdin
function main() {
out("Enter name: ");
name = readLine();
out("Your name is:", name);
Return type
function main() {
function test() string {
return "test";
Array declaration
function main() {
array a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Array assignment
function main() {
array a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
a[0] = 10;
The code is compiled to intermediary code which is then executed by virtual machine. For example this code:
function main() {
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
int max = 500;
while (b < max) {
out (b);
int c = b;
int b = a + b;
a = c;
Will be compiled to:
"_function.main: function"
"push_exp ( 1 )"
"set_local_var_exp ( int a )"
"push_exp ( 1 )"
"set_local_var_exp ( int b )"
"push_exp ( 500 )"
"set_local_var_exp ( int max )"
"_while.d: while_start"
"push_exp_var ( b )"
"push_exp_var ( max )"
"exp_call ( < )"
"while ( _while.13 )"
"push_exp_var ( b )"
"call_function ( out 1 )"
"push_exp_var ( b )"
"set_local_var_exp ( int c )"
"push_exp_var ( a )"
"push_exp_var ( b )"
"exp_call ( + )"
"set_local_var_exp ( int b )"
"push_exp_var ( c )"
"set_local_var_exp ( a )"
"jmp ( _while.d )"
"_while.13: while_else"
"call_function ( main 0 )"
"exit ( main 0 )"