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Separating the three phases of the computation, feed-forward calculat…
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…ion of activations, patch-matching, and gradient calculation.
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alexjc committed Apr 23, 2016
1 parent 8e7e45a commit 073ef58
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 41 deletions.
128 changes: 87 additions & 41 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,15 +139,17 @@ def setup_model(self):
net['main'] = net['conv5_4']

# Auxiliary network for the semantic layers, and the nearest neighbors calculations.
net['map'] = InputLayer((1, 3, None, None))
net['map'] = InputLayer((1, 3, None, None)) # TODO: This should not always be 3, could be 4 or 1.
for j, i in itertools.product(range(5), range(4)):
if j < 2 and i > 1: continue
suffix = '%i_%i' % (j+1, i+1)

net['map'+suffix] = PoolLayer(net['map'], 2**j, mode='average_exc_pad')
if i == 0:
net['map%i'%(j+1)] = PoolLayer(net['map'], 2**j, mode='average_exc_pad')
net['sem'+suffix] = ConcatLayer([net['conv'+suffix], net['map%i'%(j+1)]])

net['nn'+suffix] = ConvLayer(net['conv'+suffix], 1, 3, b=None, pad=0)
net['mm'+suffix] = ConvLayer(net['map'+suffix], 1, 3, b=None, pad=0)
net['dup'+suffix] = InputLayer(net['sem'+suffix].output_shape)
net['nn'+suffix] = ConvLayer(net['dup'+suffix], 1, 3, b=None, pad=0, flip_filters=False) = net

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,32 +303,21 @@ def prepare_style(self, scale=1.0):
self.style_map = style_map.transpose((2, 0, 1))[np.newaxis].astype(np.float32)

# Compile a function to run on the GPU to extract patches for all layers at once.
required_layers = ['conv'+l for l in self.style_layers] + ['map'+l for l in self.style_layers]
required_layers = ['sem'+l for l in self.style_layers]
extractor = theano.function(
[self.model.tensor_img, self.model.tensor_map],
self.extract_patches([self.model.tensor_outputs[l] for l in required_layers]))
self.do_extract_patches([self.model.tensor_outputs[l] for l in required_layers]))
result = extractor(self.style_image, self.style_map)

# For each layer, build it from set of patches and their magnitude.
def build(layer, prefix, name, patches, norms):
l =[prefix+layer]
l.N = theano.shared(norms)
l.num_filters = patches.shape[0]
print(' - {} layer {}: {} patches in {:,}kb.'.format(name, layer, patches.shape[0], patches.size//1000))
self.style_data = {}
for layer, *data in zip(self.style_layers, result[0::2], result[1::2]):
l, patches =['nn'+layer], data[0]
l.num_filters = patches.shape[0] # TODO: This is the number of slices.
self.style_data[layer] = data
print(' - Style layer {}: {} patches in {:,}kb.'.format(layer, patches.shape[0], patches.size//1000))

if args.style_weight > 0.0:
result_nn = result[:len(self.style_layers)*2]
for layer, *data in zip(self.style_layers, result_nn[::2], result_nn[1::2]):
build(layer, 'nn', 'Style', *data)

if args.semantic_weight > 0.0:
result_mm = result[len(self.style_layers)*2:]
for layer, *data in zip(self.style_layers, result_mm[::2], result_mm[1::2]):
build(layer, 'mm', 'Semantic', *data)

def extract_patches(self, layers, size=3, stride=1):
def do_extract_patches(self, layers, size=3, stride=1):
"""This function builds a Theano expression that will get compiled an run on the GPU. It extracts 3x3 patches
from the intermediate outputs in the model.
Expand All @@ -340,22 +331,47 @@ def extract_patches(self, layers, size=3, stride=1):
patches = patches.reshape((-1, patches.shape[0] // f.shape[1], size, size)).dimshuffle((1, 0, 2, 3))

# Calcualte the magnitude that we'll use for normalization at runtime, then store...
norm = T.sqrt(T.sum(patches ** 2.0, axis=(1,2,3), keepdims=True))
results.extend([patches[:,:,::-1,::-1], norm])
norms = T.sqrt(T.sum(patches, axis=(1,), keepdims=True))
results.extend([patches, norms])
return results

def prepare_optimization(self):
"""Optimization requires a function to compute the error (aka. loss) which is done in multiple components.
Here we compile a function to run on the GPU that returns all components separately.

# Feed-forward calculation only, returns the result of the convolution post-activation
self.compute_features = theano.function(
[self.model.tensor_img, self.model.tensor_map],
[self.model.tensor_outputs['sem'+l] for l in self.style_layers])

# Patch matching calculation that uses only pre-calculated features and a slice of the patches.
self.matcher_tensors = {l: T.tensor4() for l in self.style_layers}
self.matcher_inputs = {['dup'+l]: self.matcher_tensors[l] for l in self.style_layers}
nn_layers = [['nn'+l] for l in self.style_layers]
self.matcher_outputs = dict(zip(self.style_layers, lasagne.layers.get_output(nn_layers, self.matcher_inputs)))

self.compute_matches = {l: theano.function([self.matcher_tensors[l]], self.do_match_patches(l))\
for l in self.style_layers}

self.tensor_matches = [T.tensor4() for l in self.style_layers]
# Build a list of Theano expressions that, once summed up, compute the total error.
self.losses = self.content_loss() + self.style_loss() + self.total_variation_loss()
self.losses = self.content_loss() + self.total_variation_loss() + self.style_loss()
# Let Theano automatically compute the gradient of the error, used by LBFGS to update image pixels.
grad = T.grad(sum([l[-1] for l in self.losses]), self.model.tensor_img)
# Create a single function that returns the gradient and the individual errors components.
self.compute_grad_and_losses = theano.function([self.model.tensor_img, self.model.tensor_map],
[grad] + [l[-1] for l in self.losses], on_unused_input='ignore')
self.compute_grad_and_losses = theano.function(
[self.model.tensor_img, self.model.tensor_map] + self.tensor_matches,
[grad] + [l[-1] for l in self.losses], on_unused_input='ignore')

def do_match_patches(self, l):
# Use node in the model to compute the result of the normalized cross-correlation, using results from the
# nearest-neighbor layers called 'nn3_1' and 'nn4_1'.
dist = self.matcher_outputs[l]
dist = dist.reshape((dist.shape[1], -1))

# Pick the best style patches for each patch in the current image, the result is an array of indices.
return [dist.argmax(axis=0), dist.max(axis=0)]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,6 +408,26 @@ def style_loss(self):
if args.style_weight == 0.0:
return style_loss

# TODO: Here only need to transfer 'conv' layers, skip data from semantic map!
# Extract the patches from the current image, as well as their magnitude.
result = self.do_extract_patches([self.model.tensor_outputs['sem'+l] for l in self.style_layers])

# Multiple style layers are optimized separately, usually sem3_1 and sem4_1.
for l, matches, patches in zip(self.style_layers, self.tensor_matches, result[0::2]):
# Compute the mean squared error between the current patch and the best matching style patch.
# Ignore the last channels (from semantic map) so errors returned are indicative of image only.
channels = self.style_map_original.shape[2]
loss = T.mean((patches[:,:-channels] - matches[:,:-channels]) ** 2.0)
style_loss.append(('style', l, args.style_weight * loss))

return style_loss

def style_loss(self):
style_loss = []
if args.style_weight == 0.0:
return style_loss
# Extract the patches from the current image, as well as their magnitude.
result = self.extract_patches([self.model.tensor_outputs['conv'+l] for l in self.style_layers]
+ [self.model.tensor_outputs['map'+l] for l in self.style_layers])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,6 +464,7 @@ def style_loss(self):
style_loss.append(('style', l, args.style_weight * loss))
return style_loss

def total_variation_loss(self):
"""Return a loss component as Theano expression for the smoothness prior on the result image.
Expand All @@ -444,13 +481,26 @@ def total_variation_loss(self):
def evaluate(self, Xn):
"""Callback for the L-BFGS optimization that computes the loss and gradients on the GPU.

# Adjust the representation to be compatible with the model before computing results.
current_img = Xn.reshape(self.content_image.shape).astype(np.float32) - self.model.pixel_mean
grads, *losses = self.compute_grad_and_losses(current_img, self.content_map)
current_features = self.compute_features(current_img, self.content_map)

# Iterate through each of the style layers one by one, computing best matches.
current_best = []
for l, f in zip(self.style_layers, current_features):
layer =['nn'+l]
patches, norms = self.style_data[l]
layer.W.set_value(patches / (9.0 * norms))

n = np.sqrt(np.sum(f, axis=(1,), keepdims=True))
best, cost = self.compute_matches[l](f / (9.0 * n))

# Given the best found matches, now directly compare against current activations.
grads, *losses = self.compute_grad_and_losses(current_img, self.content_map, *current_best)
if np.isnan(grads).any():
raise OverflowError("Optimization diverged; try using different device or parameters.")
raise OverflowError("Optimization diverged; try using a different device or parameters.")

# Use magnitude of gradients as an estimate for overall quality.
self.error = self.error * 0.9 + 0.1 * min(np.abs(grads).max(), 255.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -499,17 +549,13 @@ def run(self):
.format(ansi.BLUE_B, i, int(shape[1]*scale), int(shape[0]*scale), scale, ansi.BLUE))

# Precompute all necessary data for the various layers, put patches in place into augmented network.
self.model.setup(layers=['conv'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
['map'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
self.model.setup(layers=['sem'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
['conv'+l for l in self.content_layers])

# Now setup the model with the new data, ready for the optimization loop.
self.model.setup(layers=['conv'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
['map'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
['nn'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
['mm'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
self.model.setup(layers=['sem'+l for l in self.style_layers] +
['conv'+l for l in self.content_layers])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,8 +608,8 @@ def run(self):
scipy.misc.toimage(output, cmin=0, cmax=255).save(args.output)
if interrupt: break

status = "Optimization finished in" if not interrupt else "Optimization interrupted at"
print('\n{}{} {:3.1f}s, average pixel error {:3.1f}!{}\n'\
status = "finished in" if not interrupt else "interrupted at"
print('\n{}Optimization {} {:3.1f}s, average pixel error {:3.1f}!{}\n'\
.format(ansi.CYAN, status, time.time() - self.start_time, self.error, ansi.ENDC))

Expand Down

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