The printf project is a collaboration between Samuel Tijani and Kamal, actual students of Software Engineering at ALX, were a function named _printf
imitates the actual "printf" command located in the stdio.h library. It contains some of the basic features and functions found in the manual 3 of "printf".
is a function that performs formatted output conversion and print data. Its prototype is the following: -
int _printf(const char *format, ...)
Where format contains the string that is printed. As _printf()
is variadic function, it can receives n arguments that replace by n tags written inside the string.
The format tags prototype is the following:
If the program runs successfully, the return value is the amount of chars printed.
Specifier | Output |
c | Character |
d or i | Signed decimal integer |
s | String of characters |
b | Signed binary |
o | Signed octal |
u | Unsigned integer |
x | Unsigned hexadecimal |
X | Unsigned hexadecimal (uppercase) |
p | Pointer address |
r | Reverse string of characters |
R | ROT13 translation of string |
S | String with special chars replaced by their ASCII value |
% | Character |
Flags | Description | Specifiers |
+ | Prints a plus sign (+) when the argument is a positive number. In other case, prints a minus sign (-). | i, d |
(space) | Prints a blank space if the argument is a positive number | i, d |
# | Prints 0, 0x and 0X for o, x and X specifiers, respectively. It doesn't print anything if the argument is zero | o, x, X |
Length | Description | Specifiers |
l | Prints a long int or unsigned long int | i, d, o, u, x and X |
h | Prints a short int or unsigned short int | i, d, o, u, x and X |
Printing the string of chars "Hello, ALX":
- Use:
_printf("Hello AL%s.", "X");
- Output:
Hello ALX.
- Use:
Printing an integer number:
- Use:
_printf("10 + 10 is equal to %d.", 20);
- Output:
10 + 10 is equal to 20.
- Use:
Printing a binary, octal and hexadecimal:
- Use:
_printf("10 in binary is [%b], in octal is [%o] and in hexadecimal is [%x]", 5, 5, 5);
- Output:
10 in binary is [1010], in octal is [12] and in hexadecimal is [A]
- Use:
Printing a string codified in ROT13:
- Use:
_printf("Hello in ROT13 is %R", "Hello");
- Output:
Hello in ROT13 is Urybb
- Use:
Using flags and length tags:
Printing the string of chars "Hello, ALX":
- Use:
_printf("2 * 2 = %+d and 5 * -5 = %+i", 4, -25);
- Output:
2 * 2 = +4 and 5 * -5 = -25
- Use:
Printing a long integer number and short integer number:
- Use:
_printf("1 million as a long int is %ld, but as a short int is %hd", 1000000, 1000000);
- Output:
1 million as a long int is 1000000, but as a short int is 16960
- Use:
Own Printf Function Tha Performs Formatted Output Conversion And Print Data.
Header File Were All Prototypes Are Saved.
Pointer To A Function That Selects The Correct Function To Perform The Operation.
Function That Prints The Buffer.
Function That Concatenates The Buffer Characters.
Function That Writes The Character C To Stdout.
/* Indetifier : %c */
Function That Writes The String To Stdout.
/* Indetifier : %s */
Function That Prints An Integer.
/* Indetifier : %i or %d */
Function That Prints Decimal In Binary.
/* Indetifier : %b */
Function That Prints Decimal In Octal.
/* Indetifier : %o */
Function That Prints Decimal In Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %x */
Function That Prints Decimal In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %X */
Function That Prints A String And Values Of Non-Printed Chars.
/* Indetifier : %S */
Function That Prints An Unsigned Integer.
/* Indetifier : %u */
Function That Writes The String To Stdout In Reverse.
/* Indetifier : %r */
Function That Writes The String To Stdout In Rot13.
/* Indetifier : %R */
Function That Prints The Address Of An Input Variable.
/* Indetifier : %p */
Function That Prints Long Decimal Number In Octal.
/* Indetifier : %lo */
Function That Prints Long Decimal Number In Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %lx */
Function That Prints A Long Integer.
/* Indetifier : %li */
Function That Prints A Long Decimal In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %lX */
Function That Prints A Long Unsigned Integer.
/* Indetifier : %lu */
Function That Prints Short Decimal Number In Octal.
/* Indetifier : %ho */
Function That Prints Short Decimal Number In Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %hx */
Function That Prints A Short Integer.
/* Indetifier : %hi */
Function That Prints A Short Decimal In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %hX */
Function That Prints A Short Unsigned Integer.
/* Indetifier : %hu */
Function That Print A Number In Hexadecimal Begining With 0 And x.
/* Indetifier : %#x */
Function That Prints A Number In Octal Begining With 0 And o.
/* Indetifier : %#o */
Function That Prints A Number In Uppercase Hexadecimal.
/* Indetifier : %#X */
Function That Prints An Integer With Plus Symbol.
/* Indetifier : %+i */
Function That Prints An Integer Begining With 0 And u.
/* Indetifier : % i */
Function That Returns The Amount Of Indetifiers.
Samuel Tijani and Kamal.