A telegram bot intended for confession channels, the users confess to the bot and for approval the bot forwards the confessions to a group which contains admins for the channel - so that they can review the confession and post it to the channel accordingly.
1.pip3 install -r requirements.txt
, to install rest of the dependencies/requirements.
2.Create a new config.ini
using the sample available at config.ini.sample
- More info on API_ID and API_HASH can be found here: https://docs.pyrogram.org/intro/setup#api-keys
- More info on Bot API Key/token can be found here: https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather
- Run with
python3.8 main.py
, stop with CTRL+C.
It is recommended to use virtual environments while running the app, this is a good practice you can use at any of your python projects as virtualenv creates an isolated Python environment which is specific to your project.