This Visual Studio Code plugin offers intellisense for the PHP dependency manager Composer.
- Autocomplete dependency names based on Packagist
- Display currently installed package version next to package entry (on document save)
- Hover over package names to get insights about the package
- Hover over package names to get the currently installed and latest available package version
- Command to install / update dependencies inline
You should have Composer installed. But the plugin is actually not relying on it.
- No known issues.
- Hover shows the latest version from packagist and the currently installed version if available
- Next to the package entry the latest available version is displayed in addition to the currently installed version
- Extension behaves properly if no vendor folder is available
- Extension behaviour adapted to work properly with latest version of VSCode
- Hover over package names includes latest versions of package
- Cache for packagist API calls
- Hover over package names to get insights about the installed package
- Suggests package version based on the latest 20 versions with opinionated format
- Display currently installed package version on open and save of file
- Accepting autocomplete suggestion adds a snippet for the version number
- Autocomplete of package name