I dedicate this page of my work to my Bro Ibra. R.I.P
Dr Kadeghe Fue is a well-rounded professional software developer. He has been working to solve society’s problems since 2011. He uses Agile methodology.
Sokoine University of Agriculture
- Morogoro, Tanzania
- http://www.kadefue.com
- @kadefue
Vladmir Boniface
An aspiring programmer, undertaking a bachelor's degree in computer science
Tanzania, United republic of
Benjamin Maziku Mashimba
Python geek </>, polymath🤓,
Computer Vision and ML practitioner👨🏻💻,
Marvel fan 🕷...
For the love of science and Tech! 🚀
UDSM 3D Robotics Lab Dar Es Salaam, TANZANIA
Dickson Wilfred Massawe
"Agri-Robotics expert, Embedded Programmer, CAD Designer, Web/Mobile Developer innovating with Data Science."
Sokoine University of Agriculture Morogoro, Tanzania.