A simple discord bot made in my free time, feel free to edit the code as you like :)
This is a multi-purpose discord bot made in python with many different cogs such as:
For administrating purposes such as muting,unmuting, banning, unbanning etc..
For looking for anime and manga details like Ratings, Description, Episodes, Picture, Link to it's MAL Page through jikan API
Specifically made cog for miscellaneous APIs including Joke api (which is set to dark by default) and bored API
To see corona status of all Indian States and Cities (It is set to my hometown for now you can change the same in 'Corona' cog.)
Various events for the bot, you can edit these if you want more!
I'd recommend checking the code out to look for more stuff!
Contains some miscellaneous stuff such as 'gimme' which sends the specified animals' pictures and 'echo' which make sthe bot repeat what we said etc.
I'd recommend checking the code out to look for more stuff!
Game prompts for discord groups such as 'Never Have I Ever', 'Button', 'This or That', 'Would You Rather', oh and also Truths and Dares!
Paginated Help section for all the commands intead of the boring ld discord one!
Essentially to get all the available info of mentioned member
To get memes directly from Reddit's subreddit 'memes', you can also get posts from your own subreddit with the command reddit!
Get weather of any City or State or Country! Made using Openweather API.