A dashboard demo project. Built with React and MUI components in the frontend. And an AWS serverless Python function in the backend.
⚠️ Checkout the complete build and deployment instructions in the documentation.
Use a component framework to build a dashboard with basic layout and styling. Demonstrate the following functionality:
- fetch data from APIs, send data to an API
- process the data with a serverless function
- visualize data with charts, maps, and tables
- work with AWS CLI, and create CI/CD and automated deployment
- "Add to-do" widget created with:
,AWS Lambda
, andAirtable
- Other React/MUI widgets created with:
, andReact-Hook-Form-MUI
Github Actions
- S3 object storage connected to Cloudflare
- Uses
, andDirenv
for easy development
Data sources: Formula 1 and GDP data prepared/processed with ObservableHQ notebooks.
- Creating an automated deployment from scratch takes time
- Lots of variable configuration and loads of AWS CLI commands
- Finding the right IAM-policies/actions can be cumbersome
- many errors like: no identity-based policy allow the "service:GetSomeBlaBlaEtc" action
- Issue/bug due to double CORS config (Lambda CORS config + FastAPI CORS)
- Functions/containers can be a bit difficult to debug
- Local dev server is a different config in comparison to deployment
- Difference between the local development and production HTTP request format
- for example: the Docker RIE container HTTP request must be according to API Gateway spec.
A framework like Serverless or AWS SAM CLI could make all of the above easier
- Head scratcher: hours of time wasted on a dumb Github Actions config issue.
- set wrong config; used an incorrect URL (missed a parameter in the URL) 🤯
- in hindsight the error messages actually made sense
- debugging in the wrong place
lots of trial and error - while debugging accidentally used the wrong context in Github Actions
instead ofvars
- debugging in the wrong place
- note to self: next time follow a good debug strategy
- in hindsight the error messages actually made sense
- set wrong config; used an incorrect URL (missed a parameter in the URL) 🤯
- Add display todos widget
- Add list_todos endpoint
- Add more tests
- Add authentication example
- JWT? OAuth? NextAuth?