COSMA is a parallel, high-performance, GPU-accelerated, matrix-matrix mutliplication algorithm that is communication-optimal for all combinations of matrix dimensions, number of processes and memory sizes, without the need of any parameter tuning. The key idea behind COSMA is to first derive a tight optimal sequential schedule and only then parallelize it, preserving I/O optimality between processes. This stands in contrast with the 2D and 3D algorithms, which fix process domain decomposition upfront and then map it to the matrix dimensions, which may result in asymptotically more communication. The final design of COSMA facilitates the overlap of computation and communication, ensuring speedups and applicability of modern mechanisms such as RDMA. COSMA allows to not utilize some processors in order to optimize the processor grid, which reduces the communication volume even further and increases the computation volume per processor.
COSMA alleviates the issues of current state-of-the-art algorithms, which can be summarized as follows:
: Requires manual tuning and not communication-optimal in the presence of extra memory.2.5D
: Optimal form=n
, but inefficient form << n
orn << m
and for some numbers of processesp
.Recursive (CARMA)
: Asymptotically communication-optimal for allm, n, k, p
, but splitting always the largest dimension might lead up to√3
increase in communication volume.COSMA (this work)
: Strictly communication-optimal (not just asymptotically) for allm, n, k, p
and memory sizes that yields the speedups by factor of up to 8.3x over the second-fastest algorithm.
In addition to being communication-optimal, this implementation is higly-optimized to reduce the memory footprint in the following sense:
Buffer Reuse
: all the buffers are pre-allocated and carefully reused during execution, including the buffers necessary for the communication, which reduces the total memory usage.Reduced Local Data Movement
: the assignment of data blocks to processes is fully adapted to communication pattern, which minimizes the need of local data reshuffling that arise after each communication step.
The library supports both one-sided and two-sided MPI communication backends. It uses dgemm
for the local computations, but also has a support for the GPU
acceleration through our Tiled-MM
library using cublas
The library can be built with CMake. The following links can be specified for building:
: determines whichdgemm
is used. It can have values:MKL
. If equal toMKL
, the environment variableMKLROOT
will be used to findMKL
. If equal to openblas, the environment variableBLASROOT
will be used to findopenblas
: if MKL is used, then the type of threading can be specified with possible values beingIntel OpenMP
# clone the repository
git clone --recursive
# specify a path to MKL
export MKLROOT=/opt/intel/mkl
# build the main project
mkdir build
cd build
# compile
make -j 4
# clone the repository
git clone --recursive
# setup the environment in order to use GNU compilers
# this is usually required at the cluster
# but not on a desktop system
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
# load multicore partition
module load daint-mc
# load MKL from intel
module load intel
module load CMake
# enable the dynamic linking
export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic
# setup the right compilers
export CC=`which cc`
export CXX=`which CC`
# build the main project
mkdir build
cd build
# compile
make -j 4
# clone the repository
git clone --recursive
# setup the environment in order to use GNU compilers
# this is usually required at the cluster
# but not on a desktop system
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu
# load GPU partition
module load daint-gpu
# load MKL from intel
module load intel
module load CMake
# load CUDA
module load cudatoolkit
# enable the dynamic linking
export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic
# setup the right compilers
export CC=`which cc`
export CXX=`which CC`
# build the main project
mkdir build
cd build
# compile
make -j 4
In the build directory, do:
make test
The project contains a miniapp that produces two random matrices A
and B
, computes their product C
with the COSMA algorithm and outputs the time of the multiplication.
The miniapp consists of an executable ./build/miniapp/cosma-miniapp
which can be run with the following command line (assuming we are in the root folder of the project):
mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 ./build/miniapp/cosma-miniapp -m 1000 -n 1000 -k 1000 -P 4 -s pm2,sm2,pk2
The flags have the following meaning:
-m (--m_dimension)
: number of rows of matricesA
-n (--n_dimension)
: number of columns of matricesB
-k (--k_dimension)
: number of columns of matrixA
and rows of matrixB
-P (--processors)
: number of processors (i.e. ranks)
-s (--steps, optional)
: string of triplets divided by comma defining the splitting strategy. Each triplet defines one step of the algorithm. The first character in the triplet defines whether it is a parallel (p) or a sequential (s) step. The second character defines the dimension that is splitted in this step. The third parameter is an integer which defines the divisor. This parameter can be omitted. In that case the default strategy will be used.
-L (--memory, optional)
: memory limit, describes how many elements at most each rank can own. If not set, infinite memory will be assumed and the default strategy will only consist of parallel steps.
-t (--topology, optional)
: if this flag is present, then ranks might be relabelled such that the ranks which communicate are physically closer to each other. This flag therefore determines whether the topology is communication-aware.
If interested in the communication or computation volume, maximum buffer size or a maximum local matrix-multiplication size, you can use the dry-run, which simulates the algorithm without actually performing any communication or computation. This dry-run mode is not distributed, even though it simulates a distributed version of COSMA.
The meaning of flags is the same as in previous examples. It can be run from the project directory with:
./build/miniapp/cosma-statistics -m 1000 -n 1000 -k 1000 -P 4 -s pm2,sm2,pk2
Executing the previous command produces the following output:
Matrix dimensions (m, n, k) = (1000, 1000, 1000) Number of processors: 4 Divisions strategy: parallel (m / 2) sequential (m / 2) parallel (k / 2) Total communication units: 2000000 Total computation units: 125000000 Max buffer size: 500000 Local m = 250 Local n = 1000 Local k = 500
All the measurements are given in the units representing the number of elements of the matrix (not in bytes).
to instrument the code. We use the profiler called semiprof
, written by Benjamin Cumming (
Running the miniapp locally (from the project root folder) with the following command:
mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 ./build/miniapp/cosma-miniapp -m 1000 -n 1000 -k 1000 -P 4 -s pm2,sm2,pk2
Produces the following output from rank 0:
Matrix dimensions (m, n, k) = (1000, 1000, 1000)
Number of processors: 4
Divisions strategy:
parallel (m / 2)
sequential (m / 2)
parallel (k / 2)
_p_ total - 0.110 0.110 100.0
_p_ multiply - 0.098 0.098 88.7
_p_ computation 2 0.052 0.052 47.1
_p_ communication - 0.046 0.046 41.6
_p_ copy 3 0.037 0.037 33.2
_p_ reduce 3 0.009 0.009 8.3
_p_ layout 18 0.000 0.000 0.0
_p_ preprocessing 3 0.012 0.012 11.3
The precentage is always relative to the first level above. All time measurements are in seconds.
COSMA algorithm uses:
: only used for changing a distributed matrix layout. COSMA itself does not use OpenMP, but we implement our own threading backend synchronized with atomics.dgemm
that is provided either throughMKL
(Intel Parallel Studio XE),openblas
- Grzegorz Kwasniewski, Marko Kabic, Maciej Besta, Raffaele Solca, Joost VandeVondele, Torsten Hoefler
For questions, feel free to contact us!
- For questions regarding theory, contact Grzegorz Kwasniewski (
- For questions regarding the implementation, contact Marko Kabic (
We thank Thibault Notargiacomo, Sam Yates, Benjamin Cumming and Simon Pintarelli for their generous contribution to the project: great ideas, useful advices and fruitful discussions.