Ulysses is a location/network-aware searcher for Google Place
Why "Ulysses" ? Because Ulysses is latin name of Homer's Odyssey protagonist:
a famous navigator, explorer, curious man.
He always knews his position, seeing stars and so on, so we could says he is "location-aware".
And he always was aware about his means of transport, its ships: so this is "network-aware" property.
And when he had land to any coast, in forced way or not, he always wanted to explore, searching for anything.
And so Ulysses component, an android component for curious people, but (always?) awareness ;D
####Technical: Ulysses is an aggregation of Diane and Socrates:
- from Diane inherits logics and engines for geolocalized aware searching
- from Socrates it uses Google Places search capability
So, Ulysses is just a particular instance of Diane, with (generics) parameter type as List<PlaceHere>:
and "PlaceHere" is wrapper for Socrates's Place type, adding geolocation for that geoplace as its main field (this class structure is needed for efficient listactivity comparators)
See sample, it is really easy to understand.
And this video show the sample at work.
and don't forget to change place api key with your own!