First clone the repo
git clone
cd Senior-Independent-Work
Now we need to install all the dependencies for the project. First, make sure you have easy_install installed.
easy_install --version
This may print out something like setuptools 3.3
If easy_install is not found, install it from your package manager or via:
Next, we need virtualenv and pip. virtualenv is a program that allows you to isolate your python installations and their dependencies for each project. pip is a package manager that works well with virtualenv.
Install virtualenv and pip
sudo easy_install virtualenv &&
sudo easy_install pip
Now set up the virtual environment
virtualenv venv
This will create a folder named venv in the project directory, where your dependencies can be installed.
Activate the virtual environment, which modifies your terminal to run python/pip/installed dependencies from the virtual environment.
source venv/bin/activate
You may notice your prompt changes to start with (venv)
which indicates it is running in the virtual environment.
The virtual environment can be left any time by entering deactivate
Now, install the dependencies with pip from the requirements.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Everything is now installed and the website can be fired up! But, the database has not yet been initialized.
This can be done with
which is the main entry point for running and managing the Django website.
Make sure you are in the virtual environment whenever you're running
, or else python might not be
able to find the correct dependencies.
Set up the database.
python migrate
The website is now completely set up. Start it up!
python runserver
If all goes well, the server will start up successfully and report that it is running on
. Type this
into your browser to visit the website.
Currently, the website requires a Princeton account to log in.