Package batch
provides a way to run a fixed number of goroutines concurrently. Goroutines are executed in batches, allowing for error handling and result processing after each batch.
It has a similar API to errgroup.Group. The difference with SetLimit is that Go
will block until all goroutines of the previous batch are finished, while errgroup
will always schedule a new goroutine when a slot is available.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new batch with a maximum of 10 goroutines and a callback function.
bg := batch.New(10, func(results []int) error {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", results)
return nil // No error to proceed.
for i := 0; i < 101; i++ {
// Some slow tasks that will run concurrently.
bg.Go(func() (int, error) {
if i == 23 {
// return -1, fmt.Errorf("error at %d", i)
return i, nil
if err := bg.Wait(); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Wait: %v\n", err)