I notice that Forwardable uses eval().
This makes the resulting product not eligible for inclusion in the iOS App Store, when building a native app using Rhodes, RubyMotion/DragonRuby, or other Ruby-based mobile app platforms. (FWIW, my use case is Rhodes platform.)
The iOS App Store does not permit the use of eval() by interpretive languages. (Ruby-based mobile app frameworks compile to Ruby Bytecode at build time.)
I wonder if it is possible to eliminate this dependency?
is an attractive solution for such environments, because of it's relative simplicity and lack of extensive dependencies vs e.g. (I use json-jwt in API server code, but use ruby-jwt in a mobile app because it is easier to deploy there.)
For my own case, I don't need RSA support, which is the only place where Forwardable is used, so I will comment-out require for RSA.