A web application that displays & stores the ratings of the Wesleyan University courses
Chrome | Safari | FireFox | IE | Edge |
60 ✔ | 10 ✔ | 55 ✔ | 11 ✔ | 15 ✔ |
WesCourse is a web application which Wesleyan Students can view/rate Wesleyan courses. It has some key features:
- Sign in/Create an Account only with your Wesleyan email
- You can choose to be an anonymous when you are posting a rating of a course
- If you like a rating of a course, you can "like" it
- You can manage your profile by uploading a new picture & edit/delete ratings you have submitted
- You can sort all ratings of a course by various categories
- If you type in a keyword in a searchbox from a Search Page, a suggestive results will be shown
- Courses Page will show you the courses with WesMaps-style
For now, it has some limitations on using this web application:
- Since this is deployed via Heroku and uses clearDB as an addon, it is limited to only 5MB for free
- Connections to/from ClearDB is pretty slow, which may cause some troubles during the following actions:
- Liking/Unliking a rating may take up to a second to complete
- After changing a profile picture, loading a page from the web application will take some time
- Some pages might have some shift or appearing/disappearing effects because of the CSS files not being loaded completely on time
For now, issues might occur when these actions are performed:
- Some GET/POST requests are sent to the server (Some of them do not cover edge cases)
- Like/Unlike a rating and refresh the page within a second
- Browser Support
- Interner Explorer: Although the web application does function properly in most cases, it does not provide a user with a suggestive search (Found a reason, but yet to fix it)
- Node.js
- Bootstrap 3
- Passport.js
- JQuery Bar Rating
- iCheck...and many other modules
As I was developing this project, I realized that I could develop some code further and create a couple new open source projects:
- Pagination
I tried to find a pagination module that allows a user to navigate to first/last pages, next/previous sections, and next/previous pages, but I gave up and built my own version of pagination with Node, html, and CSS. I am willing to further develop it and make it available to everyoneI have actually found a better pagination module than mine...
- Wesleyan Courses API
- I also had to scrap all the Wesleyan courses data from WesMaps since Wesleyan REST API has been shutdown during the Summer Break. This tragedy actually allowed me to realize that I could make this an open source project and allow Wesleyan developers to use it freely
- Refactoring
- I have a lot to refactor both back-end and front-end code. Hopefully, I can make it much cleaner than what I have now
- Recreating this Project with Other Technologies
- I have been interested in learning React & Redux, so hopefully I could recreate this one with those technologies