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João Vítor Fernandes Dias edited this page Apr 24, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the UENF-timetabling wiki


Software Testing

  • Courses - 1/2 - Any
    1. CC
    2. Any
  • Classrooms - 1/4 - Doesn't matter
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (manual user input)
    4. Imported from somewhere
  • Professors existance - 1/4 - Doesn't matter
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (manual user input)
    4. Imported from somewhere
  • Professors classtime preference - 1/4 - Doesn't matter
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (manual user input)
  • Professors class teaching - 1/4 - Doesn't matter
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (manual user input)
    4. Imported from somewhere
  • Students existance - 2/4 - Hard Coded
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hard coded
    3. Extracted from "Extrato"
    4. Imported from Academico
  • Students classes entry - 1/2
    1. Calculating what are the raw theoretical demands
    2. Checking who joined which class
  • Classes - 1/3
    1. Hard coded
    2. Extracted from "syllabus"
    3. Imported from "Academico"

System functionalities

  • Auto Build
    • Error checking
  • Auto restart
  • Classtime modification
  • Time conflicts counter


  • Courses - 1/2
    1. CC
    2. Any
  • Algorithms - ?/?
    1. WIP - Search later
  • Classrooms - 1/4
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (user manually adds)
    4. Imported from somewhere
  • Professors existance - 2/4
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (user manually adds)
    4. Imported from somewhere
  • Professors classtime preference - 1/4
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (user manually adds)
  • Professors class teaching - 1/4
    1. Doesn't matter
    2. Hardcoded
    3. Soft input (user manually adds)
    4. Imported from somewhere
  • Students existance - 2/3
    1. Hard coded
    2. Extracted from "Extrato"
    3. Imported from Academico
  • Students classes entry - 1/2
    1. Calculating what are the raw theoretical demands
    2. Checking who joined which class
  • Classes - 1/3
    1. Hard coded
    2. Extracted from "syllabus"
    3. Imported from "Academico"
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