Empirically, it seems that roots(::Vector{Float64})
returns the roots such that they exactly conform to the form that follows from the complex conjugate root theorem. That is, a real root has its imaginary part as exactly zero, and complex roots come in complex conjugate pairs, where the complex conjugate operation is exact. Example:
julia> import AMRVW
julia> const A = AMRVW
julia> A.roots(rand(20))
19-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
-1.2606264533481746 + 0.0im
-0.9310479653026866 - 0.48344571715462364im
-0.9310479653026866 + 0.48344571715462364im
-0.7452679583988157 + 0.0im
-0.48547663249542244 - 0.8197940002283542im
-0.48547663249542244 + 0.8197940002283542im
-0.30132852172591407 - 1.010361296238549im
-0.30132852172591407 + 1.010361296238549im
-0.2338481178786882 - 1.3556065317036028im
-0.2338481178786882 + 1.3556065317036028im
-0.1383958798698237 + 0.0im
0.34088495469868396 - 1.0901157173978522im
0.34088495469868396 + 1.0901157173978522im
0.34435589931079486 - 0.8281753378613422im
0.34435589931079486 + 0.8281753378613422im
0.754774828425891 - 0.5684903527552175im
0.754774828425891 + 0.5684903527552175im
0.9427060520193593 - 0.3181694681365702im
0.9427060520193593 + 0.3181694681365702im
I wonder if (or to what degree) is this guaranteed or (alternatively) an accident?
If it is guaranteed, I think it would make sense if this package exposed a new interface that would return the roots in a less redundant and more convenient form, as expected from the complex conjugate root theorem. So, instead of returning a Vector{Complex{<:AbstractFloat}}
, this new interface would return an instance of a type like this, where the complex conjugate root pairs are stored as only the root whose imaginary part is positive:
struct ComplexConjugateRootTheoremRoots{F<:AbstractFloat}
# The imaginary part of each element is guaranteed to be positive.
How much sense am I making?