The Fortran 2003 library libsparse is a library that provides objects to create and handle rectangular and square sparse matrices using different formats:
Linked List (LL);
COOrdinate storage (COO) (with elements stored using a hashing function);
Compressed Row Storage (CRS).
The library is written following an object-oriented approach. It has been tested mainly on small datasets.
To build the libsparse
you need (at least):
- at least a Fortran 2008 compliant compiler (GCC Fortran 11 and Intel Fortran classic compilers have been tested successfully);
- Intel MKL library;
- Make or CMake or fpm.
The library relies on different libraries, such as BLAS/LAPACK libraries (currently on Intel MKL library), and optionally on PARDISO (at this stage, Intel MKL PARDISO), and on METIS 5.
The library can be built with the compilers gfortran
and ifort
See the brief documentation for more details regarding the compilation.
The brief documentation is available in the directory doc (see An extended documentation can be generated with Doxygen.
This library was inspired by several sources:
and by many courses related to object-oriented programming and Fortran 2003/2008.
Check for symmetric matrix
Allow the option spainv + single precision
Full support of 8-byte integers