This is a very old (since 2005) Perl script to get statistics from the Ericsson BusinessPhone 250 console port. It was based on some other script from the Internet (I can't find the original now).
This script puts all the data into a mysql database. Unfortunately, I don't have SQL files to create tables. But I think if it is useful, you will be able to create tables yourself
SELECT SUM( TIME ) FROM ats_stats WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( date_time ) LIKE '%2008-01-18%';
SELECT SUM( TIME ) FROM ats_stats WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( date_time ) LIKE '%2008-01-18%' AND line = '0';
SELECT sum(time) FROM ats_stats WHERE from_unixtime(date_time) LIKE '%2008-01-18%' AND line>'731' AND line<'737';
SELECT * FROM ats_stats WHERE from_unixtime(date_time) LIKE '%2008-01-18%' AND line>'731' AND line<'737';
SELECT SUM( TIME ) FROM ats_stats WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( date_time ) LIKE '%2008-01-18%' AND answer_phone = '5140491';
SELECT * FROM ats_stats WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME( date_time ) LIKE '%2008-01-18%' AND answer_phone = '5140491';
SELECT call_phone, sum(time)
FROM ats_stats
WHERE from_unixtime(date_time) LIKE '%2008-05-14%' AND (line>629 AND line<732) OR line=737
GROUP BY call_phone
ORDER BY sum(time) desc limit 0,10;
SELECT distinct call_phone
FROM ats_stats
) LIKE '%2008-0%'
AND line>"700" AND line<"730" AND line>"0" AND answer_phone<>"5140491" ORDER BY call_phone
SELECT answer_phone, sum(time)
FROM ats_stats
WHERE from_unixtime( date_time ) like '%2008-05-14%' AND (line>629 AND line<732) OR line =737 and call_phone=181
GROUP BY answer_phone ORDER BY sum( time ) desc;
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