Debug Protocol Overview #64
Adding a quick overview of the debug protocol, so it's easier to visualize the types of messages sent between the JupyterLab extension and the kernel.
It only shows a subset of the messages for now, but can be extended to also include the calls to continue
, stepIn
and disconnect
This also show new messages that are not part of the Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP), such as dumpCell
- Add the call to
- Add the flow to show the files being debugged (stepIn / breakpoints)
- Dump cell and state restoration: Debugger state restoration #52
- Protocol Overview:
- Specification:
Generated using:
Diagram source
user->JupyterLab: open notebookJupyterLab->kernel: kernel_info_request
kernel->JupyterLab: kernel_info_reply
JupyterLab->JupyterLab: check 'debugger' key
JupyterLab->user: show toggle button\nif 'debugger'
user->JupyterLab: enable debugging
JupyterLab->kernel: debugInfo request
kernel->JupyterLab: debugInfo response
user->JupyterLab: start debugger
JupyterLab->kernel: initialize request
kernel->JupyterLab: initialize response
JupyterLab->kernel: attach request
kernel->JupyterLab: attach response
Note right of kernel: debugger started
user->JupyterLab: add breakpoints\n(click on gutters)
JupyterLab->kernel: dumpCell request
kernel->JupyterLab: dumpCell response
JupyterLab->kernel: setBreakpoints request
kernel->JupyterLab: breakpoints response
JupyterLab->kernel: configurationDone request
kernel->JupyterLab: configurationDone response
user->JupyterLab: execute cell\n(Ctrl-Enter)
JupyterLab->kernel: requestExecute
kernel->kernel: execute code
kernel->kernel: hit breakpoint
kernel-->JupyterLab: stopped event
JupyterLab->kernel: stackTrace request
kernel->JupyterLab: stackTrace response
JupyterLab->user: show current line
JupyterLab->kernel: scopes request
kernel->JupyterLab: scopes response
JupyterLab->kernel: variables request
kernel->JupyterLab: variables response
JupyterLab->user: show variables
user->JupyterLab: step in deleted cell code
JupyterLab->kernel: stepIn request
kernel-->JupyterLab: stopped event
JupyterLab->JupyterLab: search for code matching\nsource path
JupyterLab->kernel: source request
kernel->JupyterLab: source response
JupyterLab->user: show source for current path
Note right of kernel: debug session
user->JupyterLab: disable debugging
JupyterLab->kernel: disconnect request
Note right of kernel: debugger stopped
kernel->JupyterLab: disconnect response
JupyterLab->JupyterLab: clear debugging UI for\nthe notebook