openedon Dec 6, 2023
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
voila 0.4.0 requires jupyter-client<=7.4.1,>=6.1.3, but you have jupyter-client 8.6.0 which is incompatible.
voila 0.4.0 requires jupyter-server<2.0.0,>=1.18, but you have jupyter-server 2.12.0 which is incompatible.
jupyterlab-code-formatter 1.5.3 requires jupyterlab~=3.0, but you have jupyterlab 4.0.9 which is incompatible.
Successfully built tornado
Installing collected packages: tornado
Attempting uninstall: tornado
Found existing installation: tornado 6.2
Uninstalling tornado-6.2:
Successfully uninstalled tornado-6.2
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
jupyterlab-code-formatter 1.5.3 requires jupyterlab~=3.0, but you have jupyterlab 4.0.9 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed tornado-6.4
- After OS update on hosting sys requires rpds_py-0.13.2-cp311-cp311-freebsd_13_2_RELEASE_amd64 and was error ImportError: Shared object "" not found, required by ""
- I decided update virtualenv and update
pip install --upgrade cython
pip install --upgrade jupyter
pip install --upgrade notebook
pip install --upgrade tornado
Installing collected packages: voila
Attempting uninstall: voila
Found existing installation: voila 0.4.0
Uninstalling voila-0.4.0:
Successfully uninstalled voila-0.4.0
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
voila-gridstack 0.3.1 requires voila<0.5.0,>=0.2.0, but you have voila 0.5.5 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed voila-0.5.5
Expected behavior
I'm looking some option to update jupyter or other to this version where other instaled libs will be compatible or updated to optmial versions, eg. force re-instal to older main app and related libs. Soo I need some "indication" to right version betwen all version.
Soo.. when update.. then propbably pip should alert and inform possible conflicts and not install new version if older are incompatible in some iteration of update and ask that I'm sure that something can't work or list optimal version to update to minimize impact for some old libs, eg. list of sugested version to update where 75% libs are compatible as tools, etc. or 50%, 25% and of course.. 95% is most of desirable.
Right now I stuck.. fighting with pip to find some optimal version.. but how..
- Operating System and version: LNX freebsd_13_2
- Browser and version:
- Jupyter Notebook version:
- jupyter --version
Selected Jupyter core packages...
IPython : 8.8.0
ipykernel : 6.20.1
ipywidgets : 8.0.4
jupyter_client : 8.6.0
jupyter_core : 5.1.3
jupyter_server : 2.12.0
jupyterlab : 4.0.9
nbclient : 0.7.2
nbconvert : 7.2.7
nbformat : 5.7.1
notebook : 7.0.6
qtconsole : 5.4.0
traitlets : 5.8.1
Troubleshoot Output
Paste the output from running `jupyter troubleshoot` from the command line here. You may want to sanitize the paths in the output.
Command Line Output
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Browser Output
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