ProtoJEP - the evolution of the Classic Notebook v6 and v7
Notebook 7 is based on the JupyterLab codebase, with "the same" user
experience. It will achieve this by using today's RetroLab. -
When Jupyter Lab 4 or notebook 7 are installed, it's a single set of
tools, and both commands start the majority of the same machinery.
Typing 'jupyter lab' or 'jupyter notebook' will allow users to move
between the two visual experiences easily. Installing one always
installs the other so the underlying tools are always available. -
There will be seamless ways for users to move back and forth between
notebook and lab in those applications. -
The `jupyter lab` and `jupyter notebook` commands always start
both and only determine the default view. -
Define "the same"
Existing documentation works unchanged: old screenshots, videos,
manuals, keyboard shortcuts, etc, that explained how to do
something in classic, are not invalidated. Educators who have
such materials online don't need to change anything. -
Critical extensions should work on day 1. We need to identify
those; These extensions will need updates to work with the new
API, but we pledge to work on porting those core extensions.- Nbgrader
- TOC. Note: can we port it to reuse the current Lab TOC,
but with its own, notebook-native UX? - Collapsible headings. As noted in Keyboard shortcut parity (with notebook) for collapsible headings jupyterlab/jupyterlab#11401, it is related to TOC but separate, and its keyboard behavior is key to its UX (cc @jph00).
- More domain-specific extensions. These may serve narrower communities, but we will strive to assist them in the transition to the best of our ability:
- Poliastro CZML viewer - for visualizing geospatial data in CZML format using CesiumJS (cc @astrojuanlu).
- Any others? We need to do more outreach to find out.
Work has been done to document and assist authors in porting
their own extensions, so they might have updated them to nb7.
There will be a central location with information on how to port
extensions for others to do so in the future. -
What do we want to tell users about or commitment to
performance. -
Measure and communicate: most likely, performance will be equal
or better than in classic, as the bulk of the slowdown in Lab
comes from multiple tools on the page and activity switching. By
definition those won't exist in nb7. But we need to have some
hard data on this to communicate.
Future goals:
Improvements to the APIs to facilitate exploration in JS/CSS.
Some of the ease of lightweight exploration of the web page that
is possible under nb6 also creates the maintainability/security
nightmares we have. How to create most of that experience under
the new APIs will need development. -
Potential new high-level APIs for a limited class of extensions,
akin to how Seaborn provides limited, but powerful and
easy-to-use plotting in matplotlib for a set of common use
User Stories (north star, long term)
As a user, when I install lab or notebook, I get both experiences,
so I can choose between them as I work. -
As a user, when I start the application using `jupyter notebook`
or `jupyter lab` the default view that I see will correspond to
notebook or lab respectively. The ‘’handler is also updated
accordingly to point to that application. -
As a user, when I am using the lab or notebook interface, I can
easily move back and forth within the UI using easily discoverable
menu items, context menus, buttons, etc.-
Open this document in the notebook interface
Open this document in the lab interface
Open this directory in the notebook file browser
As a user, when I am using notebook 7, the visual design strongly
matches what I am used to for the classic notebook.-
As a user, I want the visual design of the notebook interface to
get better over time, so my user experience improves over time. -
As a user, I want the visual design of the notebook and lab to
be closely aligned, so I know that I am using a single, unified
experience. -
As a user I want to UI to not change dramatically so that my
tutorials, and class material do not get out of date.
As a user, I want extensions that need a left/right/bottom/status
area to work in notebook, but I want those areas to be entirely
hidden by default, so I can have the document oriented notebook
experience that I am used to. -
As a user, I want to know all of the great new things I am getting
with notebook 7, so I can make an informed decision to upgrade. -
As a user, I want the most common nbextensions to work in both the
notebook and lab interfaces, so I can move back and forth without
missing functionality.- RISE
- Nbgrader
- Collapsible headings
As a user, when I install Jupyter Desktop, (the lab4/nb7-based
native desktop suite, taht consists of the Notebook and *Lab
*apps), I can double-click on an .ipynb file on my local computer
(Mac, Win, Linux) and that file opens as a single document that I
can edit, run code into, etc. The same installation of Jupyter
Desktop also offers a JupyterLab application with a more IDE-centric
experience, including file management, terminals and more.-
From my command-line I can open single files with either
application (Notebook or Lab), and I can also open Lab pointed
to a whole directory. -
In the future (not planned as part of the initial release),
Jupyter Desktop will also let me open my Jupyter editor
(with any extensions I may have installed) as a single
application, and Jupyter Console. -
This will let me open otherJupyter-based tools in my native
desktop experience, such as Consoles attached to Notebooks,
in their own Native window. -
Jupyter Desktop will recognize and syncrhonize with any
web-based Jupyter Servers I may have opened on the same
system, and can also connect to remote servers and kernels,
so that I can have the same native Desktop experience
against remote resources.
Technical details
Nb7 is the current retrolab code bases.
Notebook repo is moved (at some point) under jupyterlab org.
- Keep on the same org to allow to migrate relevant issues
Port nbgrader and RISE to work with lab4/nb7.
Question: should the notebook repo get a PR for nb7 with retrolab
code, or move the retrolab into notebook-
Likely want to rename “retrolab”repo, to “notebook”and migrate
relevant issues to it. We can rename "notebook" -> "notebook6"
and leave it permanently available but with no new work done on
it after a final release. -
Will need to sort out details of issue management - technically
it would fit better under jupyterlab, but the jupyter/notebook
name/location is great, and moving
Community and communication details
Find out which other extensions have a critical impact for large
user bases. -
Gather feedback on github, discourse, etc before turning this into a
JEP. -
Engage with the Jupyter Extensions community.
User-facing communication on nb7: it's a brand new version of the
notebook that has the following features:-
Theme less is more:
Reviving a beloved project/technology
Real-Time Collaboration
Dark mode
Accessibility. (we won’t have accessible experience, but theres
less work to do) -
Access to the Jupyter Extensions Store (made-up name)?
We should host clinics for some amount of time to help plugin
authors (nbextensions) to modernize and port their extensions over
to nb7.
Originally posted by @fperez in #6210 (comment)