Many thanks for your great work on language server support. I have just tried jupyterlab-lsp
, which works great for Python
and R
, but unfortunately does not work for a multi-language kernel SoS that I have developed.
The idea behind of SoS is that it is a superkernel that sits between frontend and other kernels (see this illustration for details). It allows the use of multiple kernels in one notebook (through sos-notebook for classic jupyter and jupyterlab-sos for jupyterlab), and allows data exchange among live kernels.
The reason why jupyterlab-lsp
does not work with SoS is simple: it does not know what language SoS is. If we are to solve this problem, there needs to be some way for SoS to notify jupyterlab-lsp
the language used for each cell. I can work at both the frontend and backend (e.g. write a language server for SoS), but I am not sure if cell-level language support is at all possible with jupyterlab-lsp
. I would appreciate any insight from the developers if and how this can be done. Thanks.