Hello! I have read your paper very carefully and tried to reproduce your experiments on cityscapes dataset (photo to label). I changed the input size from 256 to 128 and use resnet_6blocks for G as stated in the appendix, and trained a model, and evaluated the performance of photo to label generator. You got (0.58, 0.22, 0.16) results for pixel acc, cls acc, and iou. But my best results are (0.51, 0.16, 0.10), which have quiet a large margin. I wondered if there are any other details that I should change. What is your configs for cityscapes? And can the size of batch_size produce an influence on the final results? Also, how did you evaluate the segmentation results of 128x128 generated images? Did you resize the original label image to 128x128 and do the evaluation? Thanks a lot. This work is amazing.