React Blog is a Ruby on Rails blog application.
Submitted by: Juan Dalisay Jr.
Time spent: over 25 hours spent in total, mostly in figuring out JS
- Feb 20 - Finished basic CRUD blog and deploy to heroku (2 hours)
- Feb 21 - Learned/Tried Ember.js failed, couldn't get .hbs files to work (3 hours)
- Feb 22 - Learned/Tried Angular.js failed, couldn't get scopes to work (3 hours)
- Feb 23-24 - Learned/Tried React.js, got it to work, following a sample at https://github.com/applegrain/creact (10 hours)
- Feb 25-26 - added extra features like navbar, search via sunspot (fail on heroku), post views via impressionist, markdown via redcarpet (6 hours)
- Feb 27 - added gifs, tried comments and tags but failed (2 hours)
- Feb 29 - implemented suggestions (1 hour)
URL: http://coderschoolblog.herokuapp.com/
The following required functionality is complete:
HINT: mark the items you completed with [x]
- User can create a new post, formatted using the Markdown language.
- User can edit an existing post.
- There is one post that introduces the App Creator with name, picture.
- User can delete stories, with an alert that asks the user to confirm.
- User see a search form on the Posts page.
- User can submit a search term to find all posts bywith titles containing the search term.
The following optional features are implemented:
- There is a "navbar" that is responsive to window size similar to http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/examples/navbar/.
- User can see how many views a post has.
- User can leave a comment on a post.
- User can add "tags" to a post, and filter posts by tag.
HINT: if you are unsure how to implement the Search feature, you can Google how to implement a simple search form. For example, one of the sites you will find is this
The following additional features are implemented:
- React.JS for a future one-page app
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
HINT: You can put a
file in your project folder, add to git, and use the following syntax to embed it:
GIF created with SilentCastSilentCast.
Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.
- Difficulty with JS. Spent over 3 hours looking for the cause of a UI bug after deployment to Heroku which turned out to be caused by leftover ember files
- Some gems such as Sunspot need add-ons in Heroku which are not free
- Used MySQL / ClearDB because I had problems with Postgre on Ubuntu
Copyright [2016] [Juan Dalisay Jr.]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.