- Arch Linux Pacman Optimizer: Your Arch Linux is too fat, lets make it lightweight...
- 1 File, 0 Dependency, 99Kb, no config, no setup, 15 lines of code, wont run scripts, does NOT overwrite any config.
$ chonker
- Reply
. Output is only 1 INI file.
$ nimble install chonker
- https://github.com/juancarlospaco/nim-chonker/releases Just download and run.
$ git clone https://github.com/juancarlospaco/nim-chonker.git
$ cd nim-chonker/src/
$ nim c chonker.nim
- Force writing
. Your Arch should have/etc/pacman.d/
or create it.
- If you want to undo the changes, delete
and force an upgrade withpacman
People nowadays checks documentation online, so theres no point on shipping it with the packages, some packages even have images, photos, PDFs, CSS and JS frameworks for HTML documentations, but Docker image file size and SSD free space on VPS or Cloud is always a cool feature, I got approx half the size on the Docker Arch image with this trick. YAGNI.
- Arch Linux, know how to use
. For Docker apply the config before image build. Dont need Nim after compile.
The core is 1 JSON file, so you can contribute or customize it without even knowing Nim nor programming.