- Seville, Spain - Sevilla, España
- http://www.juanmanuellopezpazos.es
Nuxt Material Design Icons
Module to use Font Awesome icons in Nuxt.js
Loads your .env file into your application context
Secure and easy axios integration for Nuxt 2
🤗 One-stop solution for vue component documentation. Original org: https://github.com/vuese
The file-based CMS for your Nuxt application, powered by Markdown and Vue components.
Vue 2.0 minimal menu template
ESLint plugin with rules that help validate proper imports.
Start here if you're learning microfrontends
Prerenders static HTML in a single-page application.
Single-SPA app for stitching MFE and BFF together to demo a small betting application
a single-spa plugin for vue.js applications
🛠️ webpack-based tooling for Vue.js Development
The router for easy microfrontends
Node.js CMS and web app framework
intl-tel-input integration for Angular.js
Proyecto final de grado para el ciclo formativo de DAM. Basado en la arquitectura de microservicios.
Angular wrap around Materialize library
Eloquent cross database compatibility in subqueries