apache flink|zeppelin|kakfa... in theory anything in https://archive.apache.org/dist/, plugin for asdf version manager
asdf plugin-add flink https://github.com/jtzero/asdf-apache.git
asdf plugin-add zeppelin https://github.com/jtzero/asdf-apache.git
asdf plugin-add pulsar https://github.com/jtzero/asdf-apache.git
asdf plugin-add kafka https://github.com/jtzero/asdf-apache.git
- openoffice
Check out the asdf readme for instructions on how to install and manage asdf plugin versions
INCLUDE_SRC=true asdf list-all pulsar
INCLUDE_SITE_DOCS=true asdf list-all kafka
- make sure you have java installed asdf-java
- install zeppelin: asdf install zeppelin ${SOME_VERSION}
- then once zeppelin is installed: asdf global zeppelin ${SOME_VERSION}
- zeppelin-daemon.sh start
- more information on zeppelin: https://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/latest/quickstart/install.html