source for municipal scrapers
To find out more about the ins and outs of these scrapers, as well as how to create your own, head on over to's scraping page.
Issues with the data coming from these scrapers should be filed at the OCD Data issue tracker
All Open Civic Data issues can be browsed and filed at the Open Civic Data JIRA instance.
Requires python3, postgresql, postgis
Assuming that you want to have your database be called opencivicdata
on your local machine
pip install -r requirements.txt
createdb opencivicdata
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql:///opencivicdata
pupa dbinit us
At times, the release of ocd-django on PyPI differs from that of Github. This may cause problems if you need to create and run migrations. Specifically, you might encounter an ImproperlyConfigured
error that instructs you to do the following:
You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.
Fix the problem by running:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=pupa.settings
Then, you should be able to successfully run:
django-admin makemigrations
django-admin migrate
Before submitting a PR, please run pupa update YOUR_CITY_SCRAPER
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql:///opencivicdata